Chapter 16

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Ara's POV

We just finished the training, and Madara decided to get us some food in the compound. I told him that I'll be staying here for a while, to catch my breath since the training is too exhausted and extremely too much for me. I feel my legs shaking, I don't want to walk with my legs wobbling every time.

I don't even have energy left to lift up my arm.

While I was sitting there, trying to get my chakra back up, I was happy at the thought that I'm being taught the ways of being a shinobi. When Madara did his own training very easily and smoothly, I envied him because I know he is already a prodigy. I wish to be like him someday, exceptionally strong, intelligent when it comes to strategic plans, enough confidence, and with bravery. Although I know I won't be at the same level as him, I want to let him know that all his training for me wasn't in vain.

That is at least I can do without embarrassing him or growing dislike of me because of how I did not improve.

Madara even told me that I have to apply these basic training back in my town, if only I have free time, that is. That way, it will be much easier and have a much faster progress during our next meetings to train. I understand how he made things difficult, it was for me to become stronger. I do not want him to see me as a failure, rather, I want him to look at me with pride.

He is my teacher, I will do anything to make him proud. For now, I'm still a beginner. I will have to push myself into the max, break my limit, and attempt to possibly become stronger than him.

I doubt that I will be stronger than him though, but maybe stronger than most adults.

It has been minutes, but he still hasn't returned. Where is he? Is the food taking so long to be cooked?

Luckily, I regained my strength and energy back. But I still cannot exert myself too much. He had told me to rest up so that I can leave without having any difficulty moving. I feel fine right now, I thought that I will check up on him today.

"Is he taking a shit or what? Why the hell is he taking so long?" I mumbled, muttering my complaints.

I stood up with the support of the tree, I managed to regain my balance and walked myself out of here. As I went deeper into the Uchiha territory, I began to make my eyes travel. When the small houses are getting clearer, I look around to see any sign of the young Uchiha. Madara wasn't here.

Walking closer at a small bar, I walked up to the cook and said, "Excuse me."

The man paused his cooking, looking at me with a smile. "Yes, dear? Can I help you?"

"Um, have you seen... Madara?" Everyone here knows him, I don't tell him the details of what he looks like, of course.

His dark brows raised, confused by my words. "Sorry, do you mean Madara-sama?"

Is he deaf or what?

I nodded at him. "Yes, him."

Then, he gave me a strange look. "Child, we do not disrespect him like that."

"Huh?" What?

"You should speak his name with his title in honor. Don't address him so casually, that is considered rude! Next time, if I hear how you called him, I won't be so kind to you, dear. If someone heard you right now, they won't take that gladly."

What the hell? This guy is literally–

I cleared my throat, almost rolling my eyes at him. "I apologize for my behavior. I shall address him as Madara-sama next time. You see, I was not taught of manners when it comes to facing lords and ladies. I was not raised in a town where I can see shinobi every day. But I will do what you command to please you." I hate this man already.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now