Chapter 25

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Ara's POV

I am utterly grateful for Madara's kindness. Even though I had lost the challenge, he still insisted on getting me brand new clothes. Although, it is apparently his way of apology to make me feel better, I still have to consider the fact that he has thought of this since the day we started the challenge.

True, I cannot forget his actions, but I can forgive him. It wasn't his intention to scar or bind me to fear with that nightmare, he had regretted everything he had done. Of course, I couldn't also forget the things he had done to me... the things that scarred me for life. Like the issue regarding how he killed people brutally, the war I had taken a glimpse of, and the nightmare he had put me through. Some things are not his fault, but ever since I've met him, things have been full of ups and downs. I do not know whether to like the new changes.

Madara is an exceptional person, I cannot blame his competent self. He is that certain boy that you cannot absolutely mess with or challenge against with. In my opinion, he will easily beat the person in every game or challenge. A boy who is someone too far to reach and beyond. I had learned that lesson earlier when I lost the challenge we proposed.

It was something that reminds you constantly to never do such a thing to someone you know can beat you up easily. He is the best example of that. I have underestimated him that much. Madara Uchiha is just an insane person, I am either glad or lucky, or even unfortunate to make him as my friend. Not to mention, he liked me!

Up to this time, he still feels guilty by his own actions. As for the return, he had made me multiple clothes in which I was shocked to even comprehend.

"T-That's too many, Madara!"

He shrugged, "It's not that many..."

My head tilted, surprised. "You don't see those piles of shirts!"

"I do, I'm not blind." He retorted, bluntly.

I groaned and palmed my face, "I don't need that much clothes, Madara. It will be fine for me to have three or five clothes only."

"Well, you didn't say anything specifically. So I don't know how many to make." He simply said, unbothered.

My lips pursed, trying to think of an idea on what to do. "I guess that's fine, I can hand over some of these clothes to other children or friends of mine back in town. They would be overjoyed."

He nodded, a smile on his face. "Great idea. At least all these creations are not a waste after all."

I rolled my eyes, giving him a grateful smile. "I am thankful, Madara. Despite doing too much for me, I would always be thankful. These are not a waste... They will be used of course."

"Don't thank me now, it's what I can do to make it up to you." He said, sighing. "Come back next time, alright?"

When I sensed something in his tone, I immediately assured him, "You don't have to be so anxious, Madara." I chuckled, "I will return soon. See you!"

He sighed in relief heavily once again.

It's been two days since then, here I am sweeping the roads in front of my house. A little while ago, Yakazino came to my house to give me new tasks. I was surprised that I will be serving the Senju once again, but at the same time I'm a little nervous because the last encounter I had with them was... a mess.

I have prepared all my belongings to reach the place, I have gotten used to running or speeding my way since I've been training myself. Earlier this morning, I did some stretches or scouted the whole area just jumping from trees to trees. I was practicing some kicks and punches as well, in hopes that my improvement in fighting has been successful.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now