Chapter 37

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Ara's POV

I whistled, amazed. "Wow, I didn't think holding a sword would be quite heavy!"

Madara steadied my shaking arms when I gripped the hilt of the long blade. "You have to be careful holding the sword, make sure to put a little distance between you and the weapon. Otherwise, the purpose of it won't be defending you, but to stab yourself."

I frowned, "I'm holding it just fine."

"You're shaking, you put too much blood in your hand. It will leave a bruise or a mark in your palms if you press your hand on the hilt too tightly. Don't do that."

"Isn't that the point, clutching it tightly so that it won't slip? If my demonstration is wrong, then how? Your way of teaching is difficult."

"It won't be if you try to understand my words." Madara sighed, already growing tired, "Listen, balance yourself and the blade. Try to be in sync with the sword. But then again, the problem isn't with the sword... It's your lack of muscle or physical strength."

I looked at him, glaring daggers at the Uchiha boy. "It will be an even bigger problem since I won't be training for two weeks."

Madara licked his lower lip, "Of course... That's why I'm going to push you harder to make up with the lack of training days."

The public training grounds are ours to have for the day. The Uchiha group session had ended a long time ago, making the area empty, leaving the only two of us here alone. Although it's tempting to train, it's too bad that I couldn't move that much. What I could only do to at least learn one thing is to observe Madara's simple teachings that don't involve much movement. However, today's teaching requires a bit of movement too.

He's teaching me to hold a sword and the proper stance for it. It's quite heavy for me since I lack muscle. My arms felt weak every second as I remained holding it for long. Gripping it has even proved difficult because I couldn't cover the whole hit with my palms.

When Madara told me to hold the hilt of the katana with one arm, I obeyed him and that... didn't go so well.

"Ugh, you're terribly weak." He grimaced at the sight.

It didn't go as he expected because the blade didn't stand upright, rather, the tip of the blade hit the soft ground when I couldn't make it stand up the way I wanted to. The sword hung low. I tried to raise it with all my wrists' might, but it was far too heavy and I still couldn't lift the sword up.

"You can't fight someone and clash swords with them if your weapon is hung low like that! You'll die immediately!" Madara exclaimed, pointing out the obvious fact.

I gritted my teeth and gave him my frustrated look, "You think I don't know that!? I-I can't do it with one arm. I need two arms to be able to lift it higher. Holding the grip with two palms will be useful instead of one!"

The Uchiha palmed his face and leaned closely, he pressed his own hand into mine that was holding the hilt of the blade and easily helped lift the sword. The tip of the sword glinted from the sun, it shimmered bright like a star. "The position needs to be like this, and the way you carry it should be like this, remember that. You can fight or attack someone if your blade is in the proper position."

I rolled my eyes, "I have seen how other shinobi use swords, Madara. I'm not that of an idiot."

He simply hummed at me almost disappointedly, "I expected from you to be able to lift the sword properly once we go back training. Two weeks is quite long for me, so for now, all your two weeks worth of non-training should be put into action. I want you practicing holding the sword within those weeks, that's it. Not much body movements needed."

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