Chapter 2

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Ara's POV

I knew that I would some day travel far and become a representative or a giver in the near future, but what I didn't expect was that it's my turn to be a giver, and go straight to the Uchiha clan at this age. The Uchiha clan!

It's my first time and it didn't help that I would do something extraordinary in just my first try, the Uchiha clan is a big deal. One of the strongest and powerful clans which the Senju clan can only rival against them. It's absurd!

"Hey, are you alright in the head, Yakazino-san?"

He blinked, looking at me as if I grew two heads. "I think I should be the one asking that, Ara."

I groaned, "The Uchiha!? Why am I going there? Shouldn't I be going to other inferior clans first?"

Yakazino jabbed me in the forehead, making me wince in pain. "First of all, there is no inferior and superior in clans. Do not judge them based on their power, all clans are strong. Secondly, it is no big deal in giving the Uchiha our items. It has been our job for many years, and you should know that we have connections to them."

"I know that, but isn't it too soon? I'm still thirteen, maybe they'd expect someone more older and responsible than me. Perhaps they wouldn't trust an early stage teen walking around with their acquired material." I complained. "They'd feel unsure if they see a girl unprotected, holding something valuable."

He sighed, "You're very stubborn, afraid, and stupid girl. Can't you understand that we need work to function in this poor town? Do what I've told you to do, you had agreed so do not back down."

I gripped my hair in frustration, "Fine then! I shall do what pleases you." I scoffed.

He crossed his arms, huffing. "See? Simple as that."

"Simple, my ass." I muttered as I walked away back to my house.

The next day came by, Yakazino had already prepared my luggage, much to my surprise. It doesn't have much but it will have to do for my trip (his words, not mine). It is still early, the sun isn't up yet so I have time to fix myself and walk around the quiet town, reflecting and thinking of what's to come.

What if I landed myself in trouble?

What if the Uchiha clan would kill me immediately after going inside their compound?

What if they suspected me as a spy?

What if I made a simple mistake that leads me to my death?

What if–

A shadow loomed over me. "Oi, Ara! I told you to go straight to the gate! I've been waiting and looking for you everywhere, you stupid girl!" Yakazino yelled, an annoyed expression on his face.

I gulped, scratching the back of my head. "O-Oh, sorry! Lost track of time." I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes, "Doesn't matter anymore." Then, he handed me a bag of cash, "Don't lose that precious money, use that for your needs only and not wants. Understand?"

"Yes, Yakazino-san."

He nodded, "Good." He looked up at the sky, watching as the sun rose, "Now leave. Come back alive, alright?"

I hummed and nodded absentmindedly, "I understand– wait, come back alive?"

I've been walking for hours. I stopped in another small town an hour ago but since it's a very small and dangerous little town, I can't afford to rest there. Now, I'm venturing off once again to find a suitable town for me. My legs are aching and I'm growing tired. I do not think I've felt this feeling before, having to walk for hours and hours, it's exhausting.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now