Chapter 14

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Ara's POV

"It was just a normal day. Unlike my first impression with the Uchiha, it did go well... sort of. I almost landed myself in trouble, but in the end the outcome was a success. Just like yours, the head of the Senju clan is suspicious of me at first. I got out of the situation because–" Because Hashirama helped me... I gulped, "Because they deemed me innocent."

Madara pursed his lips, blinking at me. "I see... How did it go perfectly? You said so yourself that they see you only as a giver, but how exactly?"

I sighed, growing tired by the second. He wouldn't let go of the matter, no matter how hard I try to avoid the topic, he is a difficult person to budge. Here we are, sitting on the ground, talking to each other while looking up at the bright blue sky. "They just see me as a good person. Not a threat, that is all."

He hummed, looking at me suspiciously, "Why do I get a feeling that there is more?"

A sweat trickled down my skin, "There is none! If you think that I've hidden some information–" Except the fact that I need to keep it hidden about my encounter with his former friend. "Then you thought wrong. There is no other exchange or even making deals with them, they just let me go."

He crossed his arms, still unsure of my words. "I couldn't tell if you are lying or not. Just to let you know, I'm being easy on you in gathering information. You are lucky that I haven't used my sharingan to figure out the whole truth."

I leaned back in shock. I have forgotten that he has the ability to do that. "Y-You're going to force me to spit out everything!? That's cruel, Madara! It is absurd for thinking that way." I wipe the sweat off of my face. "Plus, didn't I tell you time and time again that I would have to keep some information hidden for the well-being of my part and theirs? I am not anyone's spy, I have repeated those words a couple of times. Some things remain unsaid, I will not tell you more about the conversation I had with the Senju, it remains private and you should respect that." I scoffed at him, looking away when he started glaring at me.

"So you do have other information you couldn't tell..."

Crap, why am I so easy to read?

"O-Of course! Important information regarding myself and other clans, it will forever remain confidential. Whatever I spoke with someone else, I would keep it to only myself. I am not willing to share information, even if they have to bribe me so. I am a giver, damn it!" I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "Give yourself time to process my words over your thick head. You are not understanding me whatsoever.

Didn't we have this conversation before?

Madara's eyes narrowed, he gave me that look again. "This is not helping on my part too. You have heard of my father's rants during the meeting, I believe that you had contributed to that problem as well. Oh well, I don't think you know what was coming anyways. Whatever you brought to the Senju used it against us, and the result was giving us death in return. Look at the many bodies we have to bury! What you did, brought hell... and you didn't even know it."

His words made my heart feel heavy, I looked down, ashamed. It's true, I do not know the purpose of their requested item. Every giver such as I do not have a clue why they needed the items for. We do not have a right, nor shall we question those clans what its uses. We may be curious, but it is not our item to have. A giver and the clans' conversations may be confidential, but the uses of their requested product will also be confidential since this item is bought and owned by that certain clan, not the giver's. Our job is to give it to them and be done with it.

When my people handed me the steel, I wondered if it would be used as a weapon. But I never know that it will be used for things such as... this. I feel guilty, so ashamed, I feel worse than ever, but it wasn't my fault to begin with. They requested from us, we just did what we were told. I was just a giver, doing my task like any other.

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