Chapter 10

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Ara's POV

After the eerie silence, their murmurs echoed throughout the room. The councillors took a side glance to their friends beside them as they talked quietly, it made me curious in which it didn't help calm me down.

Their leader is still staring at me. The boy with a bowl-cut hair looked at me in nervousness, as if he was scared for me. Meanwhile, the other boy just crossed his arms and kept looking at his father, then back to me, and then back to his own father.

I bit my lip anxiously, not knowing what to do. In a situation like this, I'm helpless. This is for the sake of my town. Messing this up is the last thing I want to happen, but it seems everything is not going to work as planned.

All I can do is wait for his reply.

The leader isn't saying anything yet, making me wonder when and how things are going to end. But then suddenly, someone decided to speak up.


It was the bowl-cut hair, surprisingly. His father glanced at him. The boy breathed in and said, "She's innocent." He declared.

Utter relief flooded through me, washing all my worries away in an instant, yet I froze in shock. The muttering stopped, my mouth gape open at this boy's declaration. Everyone is just staring at him, waiting for their leader's comment. I couldn't tell what's going to happen, it's tough for me when it comes to reading the situation.

Finally, the man in front of me sighs. His reply made me even more surprised. "Very well... It will be your decision to rely upon. You will be the next leader after all. But the result will depend on your decision. If you are right, it will be your own fault. But if not..."

My eyes widened. That simple!?

The boy nodded, as if eager to finish this up. "Yes, father."

I grinned happily. I raise my fist high in success, surprising them. "Alright!" Then I gave him my thumbs-up which the boy blinked at me in shock. "You made a good decision!"

When I noticed that I made an unnecessary action, I immediately straightened up, cleared my throat, and muttered an apology. "Ignore that."

The leader grunted, "I will accept the steel, you have the permission to forge the metal, Kajine." He looked at the elderly man beside me, giving him a nod.

The old man bowed, "I thank you humbly."

I jumped when the old man nudged at me, snapping me back to reality and bowed down at the leader in thanks.

We carried the steel as we left, a grin in my face as I hopped along the way. When we made it outside, I chuckled. "That was tense, old man."

He rubbed his beard, "You are a unique visitor. Occasions like this are very rare to experience nowadays, considering it is war and everything is very serious."

I nodded, "Indeed, but I was scared! My knees weakened and I thought I would fall once I stood up, I didn't experience that kind of feeling in the past. It's my second time seeing a lord, I don't know what to do every time!" I exclaimed, almost too happily.

"Hm. Let me tell you one thing, child. You are the first giver to visit the Senju clan who also served the Uchiha as well. No giver had the guts to visit an enemy clan to the clan they served, they are too afraid to face this kind of situation. I didn't expect that it would happen to you, plus at a young age! What a surprise!" He chuckled.

I smiled, "There's always a first in everything, hm?"

We reached the blacksmith's shop, I helped put all the steel in the table inside. I look around to see the different tools, the place looks messy but at the same time neat. "Nice place, old man. We do have a blacksmith area, but it's so small and we lack tools such as these." I pointed to the hanging hammer, the sledgehammers, and more tools that were placed on the floor.

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