Chapter 35

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Ara's POV

The next meeting with Madara came by all too fast, like a speed of light, here I am standing inside the Uchiha compound waiting for my idiot teacher. Indeed, I am prepared for today's event but I'm still recovering from the injuries I received. I can still feel a twinge of pain if I exert too much movement, yet I feel fine and strong.

Madara knew that I still had some aches in my body, but he didn't give a damn about it. Not anymore at least. "Don't be such a baby now. You're healing and you're better, that's all good." And gave me a slight pat on my abdomen which I tried not to let out a wince, biting my tongue as a result.

I muttered low enough, making sure that he didn't hear it, "Asshole..."

"Anyways, let's start!"

We didn't really start right away. Madara had left a minute ago, probably to fetch some equipment needed for today's rough training. I absolutely am terrified of the things he's going to teach me. I wasn't even prepared to do this. As I wait, every minute is like a ticking bomb. The anxiousness is killing me and I couldn't help but shudder if he even goes farther till using his sharingan. The thought of wild training exercises is making me feel uncomfortable even more.

Yes, I experienced fighting him, but not to a level where I knew how to fight. More like a spar. He just taught me simple dodges or a few dance tricks... That was simple for me, but I don't think today is similar to the training before. I believe things are going to change quite a bit. It's going to be very different, difficult, and daunting.

There is no denying that training under Madara Uchiha would be an honor, however, in my case it's not. Most people who would love to be a shinobi will definitely approve if their teacher is strong and wise and a prodigy, like Madara himself. However, that is not my dream. Since I am not an aspiring shinobi, I am not too excited to be taught by this prodigy. I guess I count myself either lucky or very unfortunate to be trained by this young war freak.

Madara jumped out of nowhere, he landed himself in front of me. His return had only made me even nervous. Then he handed me a... some sort of clothing that I assume he had gotten from the clothing shop where I got my yukata. Or maybe even from the blacksmith shop since the clothes look quite odd.

"Tada! Since we didn't make a stop at the clothing shop, I brought this chain mail for you." Madara showed the strange clothes to me, my eyes widened at his words. Chain mail? It looks heavy and full of... iron. I've seen chain mails for amour before, but this one didn't have a complete set. It only covers up the breast and the abdomen.

"T-That's..." I gulped visibly, eyeing at it.

"Pretty neat, huh." He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

I chuckled nervously, "Y-Yeah, absolutely."

"Try it on now, we need to start immediately."

I took the chain mail from him, "Alright..." Instantly, my wrist felt the weight upon this protective gear. I thought my bones would snap.

In the corner of my eye, Madara took something from his small pocket, "I have to bandage you too. It's to make things less painful or avoid the small scratches if you ever receive one as we train. It will also effectively stabilize the muscles underneath the skin that is being wrapped by these."

It took me many minutes to wear the chain mail attire, I can say that it's very heavy and very odd to wear. Too uncomfortable and not made for me. I'm probably the only one who wears things like this, Madara doesn't even wear one and that's unfair, yet I ignored it anyways. This is for my safety if Madara goes overboard on me. I trust him, but I don't trust him with my body. He'd leave damage for sure.

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