Chapter 28

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*Please take note of the 'note' I will be writing at the end, with the (!!!) on it. Thank you. It's a very important message that you should be warned of.

Ara's POV

Today is the day... the Uchiha traditional celebration. I reached the Uchiha compound where I met Madara who was waiting for me. We walked towards the training grounds since Madara wanted us to have a short training before the celebration started.

We did so, it was tiring and exhilarating. Nonetheless, it was good training where I won't have to battle Madara. I am still quite unprepared and still lack certain skills. I wasn't at his level yet, it was too far for me to reach him. However, I caught up with the lessons well and I was able to learn and apply a lot of his teachings.

Madara grinned proudly at me, saying that I'm getting better and better, and also stating that he is one hell of a good teacher. I was really glad to hear that because I couldn't really tell if my progress is either going slow or not. His lessons are rough and quick, and sometimes I couldn't cope up. But seeing the approval and the joy in his face is the only proof that he is satisfied with the results. And then he said...

"I'm very excited to see you holding a long blade."

In an instant, my body froze. My head snapped in his direction, "Huh? Y-You want me to hold a sword?"

He gives me a nod, "Yes."

I frowned and gulped, "I think I'm still a bit farther off–"

"You're progressing faster than I ought to expect. Sooner or later, you can handle holding a sword."

"But I-I don't really know how to hold a sword! Let alone, swing it." It could be heavy and that's what I'm worried about. If it is too heavy, then the chances of swinging it badly is high. And if it is high, it means I could hurt someone. Not what I want at all.

He rolled his eyes, "That's why I'm here to teach you, stupid girl." He sighed, "Now come on... We don't have time to waste. No more complaining."

I am still frightful of the thought of holding a sword. It is a sharp blade made to swing at people, a weapon to kill them... Yes, I don't want that. There is a simple reason why a person should learn swordsmanship in this shinobi world, and the reason should be obvious enough to understand the purpose.

I understand that Madara wants me to learn the ways of a shinobi, but I did not ask to do it. I simply want knowledge, like listening to it from their words. It's true that I'm very interested in learning their ways by executing it myself. It's exciting and fun to learn because all the art forms of fighting look incredibly amazing. And all in all, I am a curious person.

But... fighting? Killing? That's not my thing. I simply want to study or learn, not to take action...

"Madara, do I have to learn how to use a sword?"

"Yes, you have to learn." He said, absentmindedly as he flexed his fists. He said it like it is quite normal for people to wield a sword.

"Isn't it alright for me to um... you know, only learn how to do taijutsu hand to hand combat or possibly ninjutsu? I don't think using a sword would be ever useful in my life. I am simply just a..." I shrugged, "a normal citizen."

Then he looked at me, as if he could understand my intentions. Even though the expression he wears on his face is unreadable, his eyes did the speaking for me. "It's not that I want you to learn how to kill someone, that's for sure. And I'm sure you aren't that stupid either, Ara. I won't force you into matters like this, however, it is a part of the training regime, at least for me. If you are so interested in learning shinobi life, then weapons are very much involved with this."

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