Chapter 30

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Ara's POV

When the whole thing finished, Madara immediately sprinted straight towards me. The happy Uchiha boy leaped to cut off the distance easily with a wide grin in his face. Then, he took my hand once again.

"Let's go see my friends!" Madara exclaimed.

I blinked, "Your friends–" I yelped when he pulled me, practically dragging me with his hand linked with mine tightly. The crowd started to disperse, everyone happily chatting with their friends to enjoy the rest of the night.

It's a rare sight to see because at this time, I believe everyone is supposed to be serious and wary. Yet all of the Uchiha here are so relaxed and calm, like they didn't give a damn they have a war to fight the next day.

I looked at Madara who was walking ahead of me as he continued to lead me from somewhere else. I cleared my throat, "Where are we going now?"

He ignored the question, practically not answering them, "Just be patient. You'll see them."

I gulped at the thought of his friends. If his friends turned out to be just like him, I'm doomed.

"I see..."

Madara slowed down, I looked everywhere frantically to spot his friends who have the same height and age as him. So when I look straight, in the distance, I see a group of boys standing there chatting with each other. My hold tightened in Madara's hand, he noticed this and looked at me. "Don't worry, they are friendly."

They don't look friendly...

And then, one of them noticed us. My shoulders stiffened, preparing myself from the inevitable. The boy's eyes widened and called his other friends who were standing beside him. He pointed at us which makes them all turn around. They immediately spotted us and waved, "Madara-sama! What took you so long?"

Madara grinned, "I apologize. I brought my friend here." He pointed at me, "This is Ara... I invited her to join this celebration."

I guess they are friendly... Question mark?

A boy who is a bit taller than Madara stepped up and smiled, "Ara, huh. Nice to meet you, my name is Kenji. You are really beautiful, you know." He complimented as he sent me a wink.

I slightly blushed, flattered by his remarks. No words escaping my mouth due to bashfulness. Another boy nudged at Kenji's side. "Hey, don't do that. She's Madara-sama's girlfriend, he won't allow you to steal her." That made me even more reddened than I ever was. Everyone laughed including Madara, which much to my surprise, it's not even funny. I sent Madara a death glare and that shut him up. "My name is Kabeto, pleasure to meet you, Ara."

I smiled, "Hello!"

"And my name is Tabura Uchiha! I'm the handsomest person among the crew here–"

"No, you're not." All of his friends declared in a synchronization, making my brow quiver up in amusement.

Tabura gulped and scoffed at them, "How rude of you all." He cleared his throat, "Anyways... You can always come to me for questions. I'm the only sane person around here, so feel free! I'm a comfortable person to talk to–"

"Annoying." They all declared once again.

That ticked him off, "Excuse me!? You lot are so–"

Poor Tabura got knocked off when someone behind him slapped the back of his head. A boy showed himself behind Tabura with a smirk on his face, "Please to meet you, Ara. I hope you enjoyed our company. It appears that we have made you uncomfortable because of this damn bastard–" He kicked Tabura's leg, "right here. I am Kairi Uchiha, please enjoy your stay here."

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now