Chapter 7

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Ara's POV

"Why do you think it's fun?" I asked, swinging my legs back and forth as I sat there in the tree branch, watching Madara train with his kunai.

Madara shrugged, "In battlefield, your adrenaline pumps up wild and you're so focused on defeating your opponent that it almost feels enjoyable. Although fighting isn't always the best way, I still savor every fight with the enemies I kill..."

I look at him in fright, stunned. When he noticed that I became too quiet, he looked at me weirdly. "What?"

"I think you're indeed the only person who loves war."

He threw another kunai, hitting perfectly into the target. "The sight of it, yes. But not the deaths."

I hummed, "You mean the deaths of your people, I don't think you feel the slightest sympathy of killing your enemies."

He scoffed, almost rolling his eyes. "Why should I? They killed my people, I should do the same."

Palming my face, I sighed. "I think that's the reason why this war never ends. Personally, if a person witnesses their loved ones die, they'll be filled with grief and horror, thus came the lust of revenge and blood. If that person kills their opponent's loved ones, it will be the same... It's a never ending cycle of death." I slumped, frowning at the thought of people dying.

Madara looked down at his kunai, staring at it almost fondly. "You're right, but you don't understand the concept of war. Their emotions and feelings are something we don't have the right to explain. We can't make someone happy when they lose someone special just immediately. It hurts, and we know the feeling of pain... Saying that is simple, but understanding the pain isn't. But, taking advantage of the emotion, it will make them vulnerable, and when the emotion gets the best of them... they lose. That's why it's sad to think of it if you know the pain all too well. "

I gulped, my father...

"Do you... did you lose someone precious, a loved one perhaps?" I asked, silently and unsure if it is the right moment to ask such a question.

Madara did not hesitate to answer whatsoever. "My brothers, we were five of us, now we're down to two. If I was a little stronger, maybe I could protect them, maybe they could still be alive up to this point, but..." He threw another kunai, "For now I'm grinding, I'm already stronger than most adults. I can say that I'm a prodigy myself."

My brow rose up, amused. "Oh?"

Suddenly, he threw all the kunai in a single swipe of his arm. I watched in amazement as all the kunai he had were aimed perfectly at the target, all of them were bullseye. Then he jumped so high that I had to look up, straining my neck, watching him as he landed gently next to me.

"Enough about the war, that's all I can tell you for now. The rest I shall tell you the next time we meet." Madara declared, sitting beside me.

"Would you tell me about this chakra and these nature types? Tell me more about what shinobi consist of... Especially the clan thing as well." I asked, excited of the knowledge.

He nodded, "Soon. Now tell me more about yourself..."

I blinked, trying to process his words, and then my eyes widened in shock. "H-Huh? Me?"

He nodded again, looking at me dumbly. I scratch the back of my head, "I don't have much to talk about, as you may already know, I'm just a civilian. I don't have a slightest bit of information about the world. I'm a low-life, a small dot of the world, nothing amazing."

"Come on, there's got to be more." He crossed his arms as if he's growing impatient.

I bit my lower lip, hesitating. "Well... about me, huh... Unlike you, you still have a family, a brother and father. I myself no longer have a family in blood. My father died when I was young, but I did create a lot of friends back at my little small town, practically, everyone there are my friends. And uh, since I'm not a shinobi, I help around the village, farming, hunting, fishing, mostly farming though, and entertaining as well."

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now