Chapter 15

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Ara's POV

I put down my flute, finishing my song as we sat there on the fallen log. It went successfully this time, I'm really happy how it ended well. Madara is casually sitting down, looking calm as ever.

Ever since my suggestion of restarting our friendship, everything was suddenly calm. As if all that yelling and all that talking didn't happen. I'm glad because at least we put those problems away to the back of our minds. However, that moment will forever stick in my mind, knowing the fact that I have long entered a risky situation such as this. Madara is an Uchiha, and a boy who grew in violence ever since he held a blade.

The thing is, Madara told me that it's better this way because he doesn't want to stress over little matters. He had so many issues to deal with that he grew tired or even bored, I might say, to continue discussing about this pointless little fight we had. And so, I agree.

I made things better for him by having an idea into something that actually happened, a reality, additionally, I helped calm his jumbled mind with a song that ended well. Although things aren't clear for us yet, I believe that we are starting to ease the atmosphere a little better. At that thought, I am very pleased.

"You're really skilled at playing this instrument." Madara commented.

I blushed, looking away at him. "It took quite a lot of practice, I wouldn't say that I'm a skilled person myself."

He chuckled, "Well, you've been there through bad times. I've seen how bad you can play." I snapped my head towards him, giving him a look of frustration. He immediately added, "But you've gotten more better this time around."

My chest swells in pride, "Of course I am! I've been practicing for years and years, I'm always improving. All those years would be pointless if I don't see myself going well, I work hard too, you know... What, you doubt me?"

He shook his head, "I don't doubt you. I knew you're going to be good at it someday..." Then he whispered, so slowly and almost too silently that I almost didn't catch. "But not today."


"Nothing." He blinked innocently.

My lips pursed and I scowled at him. "Whatever, Madara. Anyways, since all we've done up to this point is just merely talking and blah blah... How about you teach me some lessons?"

His brow raised, confused but curious. "Lessons?" He placed a finger under his chin, closing his eyes as he thought. "Hm, we're going to have to move the training schedule again. I don't want any delays nor interruption while we do the training, and as for lessons..." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Do you have something that makes you... how should I put it... curious?"

There is a lot, apparently. I thought you already knew that, Madara. What am I here for then?

"I do, but I am not sure if I can ask you this." I rubbed my arm up and down, looking away from him. An uncertain feeling started to bubble up.

I can see his movement in the corner of my eyes, "Hm? Why do you look unsure, Ara?"

For whatever reason, I blurted out the words I didn't expect I would tell directly. "I'm afraid." Then I braced myself for whatever questions he would ask.

In an instant, Madara became more confused. "Afraid?"

Biting my lip from the insecurity, I nodded, humming in response.

He sighed, "Why? What sort of question are you afraid to ask?"

"A question that you're not prepared to answer." I said instantly, so quietly that he had to lean closer to hear me.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now