Chapter 3

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Ara's POV

I sighed in happiness, "Thanks for the food, old man!" I grinned at the rider after finishing the rice ball he gave me. It wasn't much but at least I ate something without wasting my money. I'm guessing he wanted to feed me because he kept hearing my stomach rumble, I bet he found it annoying. I was a bit embarrassed, but I appreciate the food.

No complaints, the ride is indeed bumpy. The road is rocky and the things that are placed inside this wagon keeps shuffling everywhere due to the wagon shaking. Although it was very chaotic and very annoying, at least it helps me reach that compound easily, the horse walks fast anyways so I definitely need that.

Being a shinobi must have been easy when it comes to going on a trip, they'd just boost around or speed up as they travel somewhere. On the other hand, I'm no shinobi so I find it difficult to transport myself as fast as I can. I don't know how long I'll reach there, but I prayed that during this whole trip, I'd be safer and have an easy first time delivering a gift.

"Sir..." I called out. The man didn't turn but he hummed in response. I continued, "What is your business purpose to the Uchiha clan? I know that you're heading there, but for what reason?"

"You should not concern anything from me, young girl. My purpose remains a secret." He said, lowering his head.

Hm, that sounds suspicious.

"What matters do you have with them? If it is a secret, I want to know since I'm just a mere girl to you anyways." I leaned forward, trying to see his reaction.

"I cannot tell you a thing. Now if you want to reach there, I suggest you stay silent and respect me, young girl."

My eyes narrowed and I frowned. "I apologise, I do not mean to press any sensitive matters, good sir. I am just curious, is all." My nose flared.

He grunted. Jeez, he's much grumpier than I thought.

I leaned the side of the wagon, putting my arms in the back of my head as I looked at the bright sky. Then he spoke, "What about you? You have business there too, don't you?"

I'm lucky that he's not looking at my face, or else he could see the twitch at the end of my lips, smirking. "I cannot tell you a thing, you told me to stay silent and I do so. I suggest that you should keep your own words, good sir."

Surprisingly, he chuckled, "Using my own line against me? That's feisty of you."

"You don't know me, nor do I to you. Since you don't want to satisfy my curiosity, then I do the same to yours." I stated, twirling the strand of my own hair.

"You're very entertaining, you know that kid?" He chuckled once again.

I grinned, "Why, it's my job to do so."

Few hours came by and the horse halted, I realized that I've dozed off for so long that I didn't realize that we reached another small town.

My brow rose, looking at the surroundings. "Is this the Uchiha compound?"

He scoffed, "This is far different than the Uchiha compound, girl. We need to eat, I need to feed my horse some hay and drink water, then we can leave. Best be hurry and get your stomach filled, you might not get the best timing next time."

I nodded and took off. As I walk around the town, there's a small bar in the corner. I walked towards it and ordered the food.

"You're far too young to be out here, gal. You're not from here, that I know. I've seen and known everyone in this small town. Say, why is a little girl like you travelin' here?" The chef gave me a wary look as he cleaned the cup on his hand.

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