Chapter 27

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Ara's POV

"Madara, it does mean that I have to pack more of my tattered– I mean, clean clothes. I could only bring so little for my trip here. Travelling from my town to the Uchiha compound for two days is quite tiring, but that also means I have only a few clothes or other things to bring. My arms are full." I crossed my arms exaggeratedly, showing them how small they are. "Not only that but I also have to bring your required material. Some of your orders are quite heavy to bring you know."

Madara groaned out loud, "You don't have to complain so much. I already have most things planned. See, you don't have to pack more clothes since we got extra ones for you. And also, we won't order something from your town the next time, so you don't have to worry about that. All I need is your friendly visit or your company."

I bit my lip anxiously, "I'm still quite unsure of this." I glance around, contemplating, before looking at him, "I don't even know where to stay for the night."

"Like I said, I have planned a lot. You don't have to worry about that. We have a guest house here, it's reserved for visitors or special guests that my father usually invites when there is an alliance to be made." He said.

My eyes widened, "R-Really?"

He nodded, "Yes. Arrive here at the same time and at the same place. We'll train for a little bit and when the night comes, then everything is starting. For now, I can take you to the clothing shop in order to get you a yukata!"

I blinked, once, twice. "Huh!? A yukata, why?" I dumbly asked.

Madara pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes at me. "You're really stupid."

I frowned, not liking where this is going, "On this occasion, we'll be wearing kimono or yukata..." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "How thoughtful of you to get me a dress for this celebration."

"You should be thanking me." He placed a hand on his hip, smirking.

"I don't know. Making me join into this celebration in which I have not heard of and not so certain about is not that much of a gratitude for me. I never have a clue what to do when it comes to this! Plus, it will be strange for people to see an... odd little girl." My anxiety went back up again, recalling their scrutinizing eyes.

Madara tried to ease the tension off of my body, "You will be just fine, Ara. Trust me, soon enough you'll be thanking and be grateful for having me join you in this celebration. I thought friends are meant to trust each other?"

Now, he's pulling that card.

I rubbed my temple, glaring daggers at him, and sighed silently, "Fine... I'm only going because you're a persistent and an idiot person." Then I placed both of my hands in my hips. "However, it won't depend on my decision whether I could join you or not. It will be my town representative or my guardian to have the authority over me. I would join you, but if they hear about this and disagree with my decision, then I am unable to go to your celebration. I truly am happy for you when you designed that shrine, but I need permission if I can... sleep over to a clan's compound. Not to mention, your clan is one of the mighties, which deemed to be dangerous for me. Agreed?"

He nodded, gleaming happily. "Agreed. I will accept that."

"Good. I am a giver, and I believe a giver's task is to send products or materials to clans. Being invited over a festival is not what I have in mind when it comes to being a product sender. I am your friend, but I am not your ally because your clan isn't the only one I am serving for. We both have developed a sort of friendship, but I have a duty to do too. We cannot ignore that."

"I cannot separate you from your duty, that is true." He said, his voice deep and expression serious. "But this is the only moment where you can have fun when you travel and work, it will be an enjoyable moment for you when you're with me as well."

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now