Chapter 26

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Ara's POV

"It's nice talking to you again, Hashirama." I waved at him, bidding him my farewells.

Hashirama nodded and waved his hand in return, "Have a safe trip!"

I walked away, feeling content and happy. When I made sure the Senju compound was farther away from my vision, I sprinted and hopped at a tree to tree. While I continued my way, I thought of the story between the two. Hashirama and Madara, they have an odd relationship.

The way they knew each other was something very unexpected, children from different clans and apparent enemies. How they met and apparently ended their friendship is truly sad.

When I think of Hashirama, I can tell he is much stronger than Madara. He may be a happy-looking child, but I can immediately tell that he must have always been one step ahead than Madara. The two of them are rivals. It is just unbelievable that I got to know about those two's stories.

Ever since I've been going outside as a giver, I have learned many things such as the shinobi life and whatnot. I didn't expect that I would hear people's perspective of life... Shinobi life. Rivalry, broken relationships, anguish, resentment, and sadness. It reminds me that despite shinobi being killers or taught to kill people, they are still human, defending their home and people. It's an amazing experience for me.

When I got home, I yawned and stretched my legs tiredly. I didn't waste my time and immediately headed straight to bed, exhausted and worn out. The next day, I got my flute and decided to play for my people. Instantly, the mood changes into a positive one.

They had anticipated this moment, I stretched my fingers while they all stood there to watch me play. When I met Madara, I feel like the progress in mastering the flute went well... Like it gives me the skill to be able to perform it correctly. Or like... meeting him had given me luck and improvements, a good omen.

Before, despite playing it for years, I always sucked at it. Now, as I played it, it became more wonderful and good to hear. Kids are no longer laughing but are swaying of how beautiful the tune came out. I am much more surprised than everyone. Everyone is dazed and I feel so proud that I made them like this. The tune is all calming and soothing, it somewhat relieved all the stress or tension off one's body. It seemed to work on them as they looked content in the early morning.

When I finished, everyone clapped. I feel satisfied with the outcome, everyone does. And then we all went back to normal, happy and refreshed.

"Good performance today, Ara. You seemed to improve day by day." Yakazino walked towards me with a big smile on his face.

I wiped the sweat off in my forehead, the rising sun heating my entire body. "It's not a surprise. I'm always doing well, you know that."

He chuckled, "Your attitude is what surprises me the most, you are still a stupid and happy little girl."

"Not a little girl either."

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Seeing you growing up is not what I wanted. But anyways, I'm giving you a new task as a giver for you today."

My jaw dropped, stunned. "So soon!?"

"Indeed, and it belongs to the Hyūga clan."

Now that's what I did not expect. "W-What?" My eyes widened in shock. "A new clan, huh."

"Isn't that exciting?" He grinned, his brows wiggling. "I've been there before, it'll be the same process, similar to how other clans treated you. You'll still be a giver, and you'll know more about clan life than just those two clans you served. That clan is interesting. There is nothing to be worried about..."

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