Chapter 9

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Ara's POV

I groaned out loud as I stretched the wrinkled map, navigating my way to the Senju compound. "Things just had to get more oddlier..."

It felt odd to go in a different route, I was used to taking the same route where I usually head to the Uchiha compound. Being a giver for the Senju clan is very uncomfortable. Considering that I am a friend of an Uchiha, being a giver to their enemy is quite troublesome.

What troubles me more is that if I wanted this whole thing kept secret to Madara, then things are about to be rough from now on. I knew damn well of his hatred that he had towards them. Even though I don't know why he hated them so much, I knew that it's something terribly bad. I am guessing it has to do with his brothers, he did mention that they were five of them. And now, he only has Izuna.

I'm not the one to take sides, I cannot let myself overwhelm with hatred as well. Even if I am friends with one of the Uchiha members, that doesn't mean that I should hate the Senju too. I have no rights to do so, I do not hold a grudge against them. But the uneasiness wouldn't go away, which I always wonder why ever since I was told to be a giver for the Senju Clan.

One thing for sure, I do not hate the Senju. True, I knew very little of them. But they are still a dangerous clan. All clans are... I would not let myself be carried away just because I'm a friend of Madara Uchiha, I would complete this task as a giver and get myself out of here.

To be safe, I decided to tell Madara that I had served the Senju clan once we meet again. I would explain to him that I am not a spy nor an enemy to them, I'm just a giver doing a task. If he gets mad, it will be his fault for assuming and disbelieving. I am sure he will understand my point, but if he tells me or forces me to be their spy for the Senju, I will decline. Because that's stupid, that's why.

In the distance, I could see a flag beside the two pillars. An emblem of the Senju clan, I think the two pillars appear to be a gate. Unlike the Uchiha compound, I can see the guards outside of their post. They stand there with watchful eyes. When they see me, I can see their shoulders growing tense.

I halted the horse in front of them, I lowered my head in respect. "Good day to you all. I am a giver, I have your requested item." I showed them the metal steel in my back that the horse carried, "I believe this is for your blacksmith, steel for your weapons."

One of the men went closer to inspect the metal I brought, he caressed the metal and nodded. "Lord Butsuma had ordered us that if we see a giver carry a steel, we should bring them inside and take her to the blacksmith."

Another man said, "We should check her first, we need to see if you are not a threat to us."

I sighed, "As you wish."

They inspected my horse and my luggage, I took off my shoes and my gloves and straw hat for them to see that I'm not carrying any deadly weapons. When they are sure that I'm just a measly little girl, they nodded in approval.

"Alright, you may proceed."

I hopped on my horse and headed inside, there's another man inside who took the leash from me and led the way. Meanwhile, I took this opportunity to look around.

It was peaceful, which did not surprise me at all since it is almost the same scenario in the Uchiha compound. Their mansions are larger, I can see their training grounds in the corner with shinobi training. The area is wide, they also have marketing areas here as well that sell types of items. The Uchiha compound is also big as this, I cannot compare the two compounds because both have an amazing space.

I whistled, awed. It must be nice to have such a spacious land, hm?

"Kajine-san! Your precious steel is here!" The man yelled out in front of me, shouting to someone else. We reached the blacksmith's shop, an elderly man walked out of the house with a soft smile on his face.

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