Chapter 12

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Ara's POV

"Hey, Madara."

"What is it?" The mentioned Uchiha wiped his mouth after finishing drinking his bamboo water bottle.

I licked my lips. "How will you end the war?"

He did not even hesitate to respond, "Get stronger, have more power, eliminate the enemies, let them fear you and the war ends."

"What? That simple?" My head tilted in confusion. Let them fear you? What is that supposed to mean?

"It's not so simple, but yes."

I let out a breath, "Isn't there um... you know, an alternative way to end the war?"

His eyes narrowed, growing suspicious. "Why, you sound like my old friend back there."

I gulped, understanding what he meant. I immediately tried to change my expression. "Friend?" I asked anyways.

"Never mind." He waved it away, drinking his water once again.

Never mind, huh. Hashirama Senju...

"Anyways, you better be prepared for training next time. And as your punishment for not obeying my word, I will not make it easy for you. Beginner or not." Madara declared, raising his chin high with his arms crossed.

I gulped once again, "Y-You are a shinobi, meaning you already know its concepts and training whatsoever... But I grew up without knowing a damn thing, how am I supposed to adapt quickly? I'm a late bloomer when it comes to shinobi stuff. It wasn't in my nature to become one in the first place."

He only smirked, "Like I said before, you're lucky that I'm your teacher. If I push you harder, you'll be stronger in a few days."

I slumped, "I have a bad feeling about this."

A bad feeling which I couldn't tell if he's a good teacher or a bad one. One that is too strict, or one who is patient. I'm not excited. At all.

And so, the next week came by. I finished playing my flute when I realized I'm nearing the Uchiha gate. But then I noticed Madara hadn't come. He simply was not there to greet me.

I halted my horse, looking everywhere in search of the dark-haired boy. My eyes travelled everywhere, even spinning around to try and spot him. But he wasn't here.

I always expect him to come out of nowhere and scare me. He is either on the tree branch, waiting for me, or on the ground standing with his arms crossed.

But now...

"Where is he?" I mumbled. This is very unexpected, he's always the one to surprise me. Why is he not here, I wonder.

I lingered for a bit, in hopes of actually finding him. But he's truly not here. I moved the horse again, heading closer to the Uchiha gate. "This is odd..."

The Uchiha guards inspected me before letting me enter. I think they had recognized me because I was always with Madara when we went in to eat some snacks. I observed their faces, this time, it's a bit gloomy.

As I stride forward, I see two bystanders talking to each other on the side of the road. Then I decided to approach them for answers. I walked towards them and they immediately noticed me. They looked up and gave me a look.

I stopped my horse, "Excuse me..."

"What can we do to help you?" One of them asked, looking at me strangely. It appears this is their first time seeing an outsider walking around aimlessly in their compound.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now