Chapter 13

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Ara's POV

I stared at his eyes, those dark red eyes with a single dot on the ring that circles his pupil. I don't know if I find it amazing or if I find it terrifying... All I know is that those eyes are not normal.

My breathing becomes ragged as I stared longer into his eyes, it lures me deeper into the unknown abyss. It's a mistake that I should've known a long time ago. The shinobi world is too mysterious for me, one that I'm not willing or prepared to know. It's one of the regrets I have, a feeling that I should know that something in this world has impossible things that happen.

One of those moments is right now.

I've never seen something like this, an eye color that changes– no, an unknown power that I have yet to learn. Perhaps there are some things that are beyond my control, perhaps that some things are meant to be unknown, or perhaps there are some things that have to remain hidden, out of my knowledge. I have a limit, I can't know too much. But this... it's something very new to me.

"W-What... What are–" I can't seem to form any words. I'm terribly shaking, fear is very common for me but I never experienced this level of fear before. "Y-Your eyes... They h-have–"

"The sharingan." Madara said, "It is a dōjutsu kekkei genkai which only the Uchiha clan wields. It selectively appears in our eyes to the members who are able to unlock the power."

I managed to blink, but I cannot be able to look away from him. "Dōjutsu kekkei genkai?" I whispered.

His eyes narrowed, his eyes seemed to glow darker, turning into the color of blood. "Indeed. It also means a visual prowess, an ability that no one else can have except me and my clansmen. A trait that is passed down." Then he let go of my chin and crossed his arms, "But we aren't talking about these eyes, we're talking about you."

My mind was not prepared for this. "Me!?"

"Tell me about the Senju clan." Madara said.

When my mind functioned again, enough for me to think, the first thing I said was, "No!" My brows furrowed, disturbed by his words.

"I've been teaching you many things, and yet you repay me with such an attitude?" He walked backwards, leaning on the tree with his eyes still glaring mine.

Somehow, that infuriates me. "Repay you? You were willing to teach me because I do what you basically forced me to do. You demanded me to become your giver for the Uchiha clan in return for knowledge!"

He ignored me, "When did you start serving them? Since when, hm?"

His persistence is killing me. Even if I let go of this topic now, he'll just bring it back up. So I replied to him, "Just a week ago or two. It was my first time serving them, who knows if I'm going to serve them again? It's not like I became their spy. I have said this multiple times with the Senju during our conversation that I will not allow myself to be anyone's spy. Understand me." I said, gritting my teeth.

Madara lowered his head, signifying that he's not done with me yet. "Oh? Not anyone's spy, I see..." He licked his lips. "Ara, you should've told me sooner."

I scoffed, annoyed by his odd behavior. "Is that a rule? I don't think so. Plus, I have every right to keep some secrets to myself, I can't just tell you about the clans I served that you've come to dislike. I am not a shinobi. It's my part as a giver, some things are just meant to be unsaid."

"Is it wrong to know!? I will protect my clan, that is what I swore. I will protect my brother at all costs. I have every right to know about any affiliation to a person who might be close to our enemy. I will not stand by and tolerate if there is a means of being attacked! You may not know now, Ara, but when it comes to protecting my people, I will take action!" Madara yelled, forming a fist in his hand.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now