Chapter 4

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Ara's POV

I need to leave. Now.

"Are we getting close?" I asked.

The old man nodded, "Indeed we are. So sit tight and stay calm. If you want to enter, do what I tell you to do."

And make me pretend to be your daughter, no shit.

I frowned, "A-All right." My mind is reeling, thinking of a plan to get my way out of here. Landing myself in trouble on my first time? What an unexpected turn. How could something like this happen to my innocent life?

I released a breath that I didn't realize I was holding, clenching my shaking hands and gritting my teeth in fear. I have no idea on what to do, I'm completely and utterly numb. I feel panic starting to bubble up my mind. This is probably the most intense experience I ever experienced in my entire youth.

What to do, what to do!? Think!

"Ah, there's the gate!"

My eyes widened and I gulped. Indeed, there's a flag with an emblem on it which I think is an Uchiha symbol. A fan-like shape with red and white colors. I don't know every clans' emblems, this is my first time seeing one.

"This is the Uchiha compound, huh." I grab hold of the side of the wagon. "L-Let's separate ways now, I'll be fine on my own–"

"No, don't!"

The hairs of my skin stood up, startled. The horse skidded into a stop and I almost lurched forward from the impact.

He took a deep breath, "Stay here. I can get you inside there easily, this is my last act of being kind to you."

I shook my head, "N-No need! You helped me by giving me a ride to reach here, it'll be a pain if I–"

"Just do what I say, girl." He cut me off once again, there's fury in his eyes which terrified me.

I slumped down, nodding. "Fine then, go ahead."

Then he moved the horse once again. The gate is getting closer and closer. I don't see any of the Uchiha guarding it but I definitely knew that they were inside. I waited for a moment, making him think that I'm sitting calmly.

When he thinks that I'm calm and collected, he turns away from me and sighed. Taking this chance, I made my move. I quickly jumped down from the wagon without him noticing and dash my way to the forest.

Trying to be silent as possible, I continue to run away from that crazy man. Shit, the Uchiha clan is going to be infiltrated and attacked! If I enter with him now, they'll be suspicious of me too, I'll die!

I panted, my knees were getting tired and I needed more air to breath. I leaned on the tree, clutching my shirt.

Suddenly, I heard something behind me, like a wind traveling so fast that I felt my hair being carried. I turned around to see no one. It couldn't be the old man. He's too old to even sprint, I guess.

"W-Who's there?" I tried to be confident but failed miserably. "Look, if you're a shinobi, please don't be mistaken who I am. I am a giver, I came here to give something to the Uchiha!"

No one said a word, but I feel like someone's watching me. I licked my lips wet when I noticed they're dry. "If y-you're an Uchiha, show yourselves! This place will be infiltrated by your enemies, some man named Sen had brought... um, bombs to blow this place or whatever! He's riding a wagon and–"


I almost yelped from the sudden voice that echoed the forest, then I forced myself to calm down. "It's not! I'm telling you the truth, go to your gate right now and see it yourself!"

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now