Chapter 33

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Ara's POV

"You shall not exert yourself. The wounds will tear open if you move around too much. Limit yourself and don't forget to rest as you go home, you need your body fully healed. We planned to make you stay here for a day or two, however, there has been... issues going on in the clan."

I looked at the Hyūga medic in front of me and said solemnly, "I understand."

That was four and a half days ago, and here I am heading back to my town. It took me absolutely four damn days to reach here due to slow movement while I travel. Of course, I can't risk myself much harm after that incident, so I should be careful of my steps. Since they told me not to exert myself too much, I wouldn't recover properly if I do so. And... It was difficult, tiringly difficult.

I was exhausted as I went, despite being in bed back at the Hyūga clan for almost six days, I still felt some aching parts in my body. Numbness, mild pain, dizziness. The usual symptoms that I find annoying. Four days passed out, wounded. Two days rest. Four days of travel, heading back home. It took me ten days to go back to my town! Unbelievable.

My arm and legs are more numb than the rest of my body parts, but even touching my body hurts. Everything still hurts...

When I reached inside my town, I was lucky enough to stumble upon Yakazino who had finished his hunting. He saw my wounded state and immediately rushed over to me, he didn't bother saying a word and just carried me. That same day, I passed out. It could be the exhaustion, it could be the pain, but either way, I am glad I went back to sleep.

I woke up in a familiar house. As I took in the surroundings, I noticed I was sleeping inside the house of our village healer, Eikka. As I sat up, I was covered with fresh and clean bandages. I can hear footsteps making its way in this room. The door opened and she revealed herself. Eikka is carrying a bucket of water and a face-towel, she is a kind and old lady whose duty is to heal people with grave wounds.

Her eyes widened at the sight of me sitting up, "Oh! Ara-chan, you're awake!"

I smiled at her, delighted to hear her voice, "Hello, Eikka-san. Sorry for troubling you like this."

She knelt down beside me, placing the bucket of water carefully. "We saw your wounded condition, what happened?"

"Weird things happened," a sigh slipped from my lips as I replied. "You don't have to worry about it. I was taken care of and was healed from the clan I now served."

She nodded, her eyes still filled with concern, "It must be troublesome to have you in a condition like this. Whatever happened back then, you need to remind yourself to be safe and be wary of your surroundings. War is war, you should not be reckless in certain times, Ara-chan."

I frowned, her words reminded me of my failure to protect myself, "It was my fault. I have my guard down. I didn't realize I was in any sort of danger. Luckily, I am still alive today."

"It's been the longest time since I've taken care of wounds such as yours. Your injuries are much more different than the ones I usually heal, seeing you in a state like that brought me back the terrifying memories." She cleaned my face with the wet towel. Then she pointed at a certain wound, "You see this? This one is massive!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry or recall negative memories about my bad conditions in the past." I looked down, guiltily, "I am very stupid..."

Eikka, despite the concern, smiled down at me, "You don't have to apologize. Plus, you don't have to beat yourself as well... The guilt is eating you, child, you are still too young to be frowning and have wrinkles in your forehead." In her words, a flashback of a certain Uchiha made me recall a certain conversation we both shared.

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