Chapter 11

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*Hey guys, sorry for not updating yesterday. As you can see, I was on a date with Madara ^

Ara's POV

"His name is Madara Uchiha."

My stick dropped to the ground. I am dumbstruck. My mouth gape open wide enough for flies to go in, my fingers froze and I trembled in shock, my feet are like sticks! I stared at him with my eyes so wide, giving him a look that even terrified him.

Hashirama's formed sweat travelled down on his forehead as he assessed me. "W-What's wrong, Ara?" I still continued to stare at him, unmoving. I am utterly speechless, I truly cannot believe him when he mentioned that name. Madara... Uchiha? You mean, that idiot? My sensei?

"You're scaring me, y-you know." He scratched the back of his head as he released a nervous chuckle, not knowing what to do. "Did I say something wrong? If I do, forgive me."

I finally snapped back to reality, still unable to believe him. "What..." I cleared my throat, "What was his name again?" My voice went small, giving him an awkward grin as I asked for clarification.

He gave me a confused look, smiling at me with brows furrowed. "Madara... Madara Uchiha." Then out of nowhere, I slapped myself in the face. Poor Hashirama jumped back in fright and stood up from the bench. "Oi! What are you doing? What was that!?"

I palmed my face and groaned out loud, "Just needed a clarification if I'm hearing correctly. I think my ears are not functioning properly." Then I forcefully grinned all too suddenly, a panic and disturbed look in my face. "Can you repeat that again? I apologize if I'm bothering you with the same question."

Hashirama shook his head slowly, looking everywhere besides my face. "N-Not at all..." Then he stared at me worriedly, "Are you sure you're fine? Is that even how you make sure that you're hearing correctly, by slapping yourself?"

I nodded, patiently waiting for his words. "Yes, and yes I am."

He cleared his throat, "Well... His name is Madara from the Uchiha clan. You may find it odd because I was a friend to an enemy clan. He's my rival when we used to hang-out together, the title still stands today."

I relaxed my breathing, trying to not seem like an awkward person around him, "M-Madara Uchiha, huh." Then I released a breath. "It seems everything just suddenly became too surprising to me at this age. I hope I don't die of a heart attack."

Hashirama pursed his lips, as if in thought. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's nothing!" I exclaimed.

His brows furrowed deeper, "Doesn't sound nothing to me."

I waved it away, "I told you... it's nothing!"

"I'm curious, you've been acting strange. I know it's not nothing."

I gave him a warm but awkward smile, "Like I said for two times already, it's absolutely nothing that you need to be concerned about."

"And I believe I have every right to know what you're hiding..." He coughed, "Since you are in my territory. It feels like it has to do something with that... name?" He crossed his arms, unsure but sounded confident.

I furiously shake my head in refusal. "No, no, no! I-It's not!"

He paused, as if he was waiting.

I paused, as if I am waiting to let this matter go.

We both went silent.

Hashirama stared at me, still trying to read me. He looked deep in my eyes while I avoided his scrutinizing glare, twirling my fingers in nervousness. Hoping that he's too dumb and much of an idiot to figure out what he just pointed.

My Childhood Crush || (Madara x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now