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As Kageyama made his was to velleyball practice. He stopped by the school's vending machine to buy himself some milk. He glance over the spot where the milk was usually place. It was empty, Kageyama not believing this rubbed his eyes and open them again to see nothing. He was disappointed and pouted the whole way to practice.

He opened the gym door with a scowl and pout. "Ehh?  Bakayama, what's wrong? " Upon hearing this Sugawara made his way to the two first years. "Is something the matter Kageyama? " he said with a worried look. Kageyama replied by shaking his head though there was still a pout present in his features.

The third-year place his hand on Kageyama's shoulder. "Alright, but tell me if something is bothering you okay? " Kageyama nodded at this and made his way to practice serving. Sugawara sighed and continued on what he was doing earlier. The ignored first year stood there dumbfounded holding a ball and looked around. 'Did? Was? Whaa? ' was the only thing going on his mind. Standing there not paying attention to his surroundings he didn't hear the shout "Boke! Look out!" and he was hit by the ball straight in the face, this caused him to have a bleeding nose. All of his teammates surrounded him with worried looks, well mostly from the third years and some from the second years while only one in the first years. Kageyama approached him with a furious look and it terrified him.

"Gomen Kageyama-Kun!  I wasn't paying attention and I was so lost in-" before he could finish his apology. He was being dragged out the gym by Kageyama. At first he was surprised but then it turned into a terrified look again. 'Where is he taking me?  Is he going to beat me up?' So lost in thought. Hinata didn't notice that they are already at the spot. He closed his eye shut and waited for a hit but it never came.

"Boke!  Open your eyes" he slowly opened his eyes and saw that they were infront of the nurse's office. They went inside and got Hinata check. They were soon let out and can now go back to practice. On the way there Hinata was skipping while the other male still have a scowl on his face.

"Yamayama-Kun!  Why does your face look scary? " the male turned his face towards him and held his head tight. "What did you say? " he said with a furious tone. "G-Gomen!" After that, Kageyama released his hold and huffed and went on ahead. "Did you woke up in the wrong side of the bed? " the orange headed boy continued. "Did you eat something bad? " he said as he had a thinking face on but it turned into a worried look. Upon seeing this Kageyama looked at him curiously and they stopped in their tracks.

"Are You Sick?! " he said and pulled Kageyama down so he could reach his face. He touched his forehead by the back of his hand. "Wait is this how they do it? " he questioned himself. Focusing if the setter was in perfect health he didn't notice the pink tint that was on the setter's cheek. Not knowing how to check temperature, but remembered how his mother does it to him. He brought his face closer to the setter with little to no space left. This caused the setter to turned red.

He placed his forehead to the others forehead. "Well you seem fine" the middle blocker said and released his hold to the other male. He looked at the male's face. He blushed at the sight remembering that they were just inches apart earlier. He scratched his cheek while the black haired boy looked away in embarrassment. He cleared his throat to get rid off the embarassing atmosphere.

"B-but really though?  What's wrong Kageyama-Kun? " the setter sighed and looked at him and pouted. He mumbled something that the middle blocker couldn't hear. "Huh? I couldn't hear you? " the middle blocker said and stepped towards him. This made the setter even more embarrass again.

"T-there were no milk in the vending machine...." He said quietly but loud enough for Hinata to hear. This caused Hinata to blink while looking at the setter's embarrass faced, looking somewhere else but him. He laughed at this and made the setter face him with a pout. "Y-you were upset because there was no milk? " he said in disbelief while laughing. "Tch. I shouldn't have told you" Kageyama said and left the Laughing Hinata.


After practice. Hinata was being ignored by Kageyama. The team stopped by coach Ukai's shop to buy some meat buns. Hinata was the one ordered to buy the meat buns and headed inside the shop. As he was about to walk out the store. He noticed something in the corner of his eye and smiled and made his way to the counter to pay for one more thing.

"What took you so long Hinata? " Tanaka whined but quickly took a meat bun for himself and happily ate it. He was distributing the meat buns when he noticed Kageyama standing silently in the corner. He Shook his head and sighed. When he was done distributing the meat buns they said their farewells and made their way to their home. The walk was silent for the two middle blocker and setter. Upon remembering something that he almost forgot. He reached something behind his bag and Kageyama looked at him curiously.

They stopped at the intersection to where they were going to separate. Kageyama was growing impatient and growled and went on his way. "Kageyama! Wait! " Kageyama turned around and saw a smiling Hinata. The middle blocker approached him and said. "I shouldn't have laughed at you earlier today. I'm sorry!" He said bowing to the setter. "Tsk. It's fine, I shouldn't have been upset because of milk anyway." Kageyama said while scratching his cheek and looking away from the bowing Hinata.

The middle blocker's face lit up upon hearing the setter. "Well anyways. Please accept this as my token of apology" he said with a smile and holding something in his hand. The setter glanced on what it was and his face lit up. "T-thanks, and apology accepted" he said as he took out the straw and poked it as he drank happily with a genuine smile on his face, as he turned around and made his way home.

Hinata stood there in disbelief. He never thought he would see such a smile from the scary setter's face, but it did made him very happy that he saw that smile and it was because of something he did. He rode on his bike climbing the hill on his way to home with a red tint on the tip of his ear and a smile on his face. Thinking of the setter... Of  'his' setter's smile.

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