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I was dreading going into my next class, Foreign languages. Taking French was not boring, it was just difficult to keep up with the work. I can't possibly be the only student who processes things we learned slowly, yet my teacher always seems to pinpoint how behind I am compared to others. It sucks, especially when she nags about getting a tutor.

If only she were more understanding.

Walking down the hallway slowly, my hand ran through each locker I passed by with my thoughts sinking back to Ivy's words. Felix? Changing my life? As if I'll even let him in completely.

I guess he does deserve an apology though. He must've felt awful when I turned him down like that, especially since I was the first person he asked to be friends with. It won't take much, but some friendly manners, and then I could kiss Felix goodbye. Not literally though.

I stood behind the closed door to French class, hesitating to go in, but then again I actually value my grades.

Opening the door, I find our teacher flashing a large smile, which was significantly odd considering how rarely she smiles.

My eyes then traverse to what she was looking so lovingly at. It was Felix.

She was gazing so warmly at him, the boy who sat right next to my seat again. They were in the middle of a conversation and I just stood there with my eyes widened, and mouth agape. How is it that he's in so many of my classes? Why is he paired up with me so much? Why do we keep bumping into each other? This is all had to be a coincidence.

The endless questions roamed through my mind when suddenly, Felix looks over at me. It doesn't even take him a second to smile.
Why is he smiling? I was so rude to him.

Regardless, I walked over, and sat down next to him.

"Hailee, I'm sure you're aware this is our new student Lee Felix! He's such an intelligent peer of yours, I'm impressed with how much French you already know Felix!" She exclaimed in pure excitement, not tearing her eyes off of him anytime soon.  Jeez, every single teacher is whipped for him.

"Anyway, since you have difficulties in this course, I thought it'd be a great idea for such an advanced student to sit next to you. If you need any assistance, Felix said that he'll be glad to help." With that, she walked away, leaving me feeling worse. Well now I'm obligated to talk to him, more than I thought.

"Hey.." the boy suddenly started.
"Hi," I vaguely respond again.

The atmosphere between us was so awkward, it was driving me crazy. I played with my eraser, fumbling with the right words to say, since none of spoke a single utterance.

"Listen," I begin and look at him, while his eyes quickly shift over to mine.

I took a deep breath in, "I'm sorry if I came off rude earlier by declining to be your friend. I'm not necessarily close with a lot of people, so it feels natural for me to turn them down. Since it was your first day here though, I really am sorry Felix." I tried my hardest to force out a smile, a small one at least. My apology was genuine, I meant it, but smiling along with it... that's hard.

He let out a soft chuckle, "You know, I could tell you're forcing yourself to smile," my small grin disappeared instantly. "But, that's okay I knew you had your reasons, so I won't think too much of it."

"That's great," I said actually smiling.

"Now that's a real smile! You should smile more, it's nice to see a bright side of you."

Did I always give off the impression that I was a lonely and rude bitch?

"Oh, and here let me ask you again," He took his hand out, forming it into a fist. "Let's be friends Hailee!" That darn smile. Why did he have to keep smiling so innocently?

I couldn't resist it and  eventually, I gave in and bumped my fist with his, "Sure," I laughed nervously. Being his friend couldn't be so bad, right?


"Bonjour, je m'appelle Felix Lee," Felix went up to the front to introduce himself to the class again, but in French. My eyes wandered towards my teacher's face, watching how her eyes lit up as Felix spoke. She really goes crazy when someone can speak French well huh.

"Je suis heureux de vous rencontrer tous. Entendons-nous bien!" He continued and every single girl in the class squealed after hearing his magnificent French. Every girl except me, of course.
The boy can speak French, big deal, most of us can anyway.

I understood enough to know that Felix said he's glad to meet everyone and wants to get along nicely. And I'm sure he will, he's the handsome new boy after all.

When class finally ended and I got up to leave, I hear Felix comment, "This was nice." Was he talking about the class? Did he like that he made a new friend, or did he admire the attention he received? I didn't really care enough to ask. 

"Mhm," I quickly agree and left the room while he was still packing his things.

I heard quick footsteps behind me as I walked down the hall. "You really don't waste a second to get to your next class, do you?" The same stable voice said. "What is your next class anyway?" He said, now walking right by my side.

"Don't worry about it," I huffed and walked faster.

"Hey, we could be in the same class you know?"

"Doubt it," I deadpanned.

"You never know, but I have pre-calculus!" Felix said excitingly, staring down at the small schedule in his hands. How can one hold so much excitement, especially when in school?

"That's nice," my voice still lacked emotion. I know I said I'd be friendlier, but this was such a foreign feeling.

"You're really quiet you know," he suddenly called out. "Why? What makes you speak so low, barely revealing any emotions in your tone? You seemed like a whole other person when you smiled earlier."

His questions slowed down my pace. Why was he so intrigued?

"You're really loud you know. Why are you always so excited and optimistic? Sheesh, you remind me of my best friend." I shot back in response.

"Woah, you have other friends? Who would've thought!" He joked, but I stopped in place to turn and glare at him. I stared him down, my eyes squinting to indicate that was not the right choice of words. He gulped, "I-I'm just kidding!"

"Uh huh," was all I said.

"But anyway, it's just how I am. Being cheerful puts you in a bright mood, which is the best mood." Felix said grinning widely.

"And this is just how I am. Someone who's quiet and enjoys serenity." I replied, still with no emotions.
"If you don't like how I am, then just don't be my friend." I walked away as Felix was left there, his smile now vanishing.

I can hear him running up to me once again, "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. It doesn't matter who you are, I'm just glad we're friends." He softly laughed.

"You're not getting any closer than this, Felix," I warned.

Before disappearing into class, Felix stood up straight with a large smile plastered on his face, "We'll see about that."


i cant even speak French lmao and i don't take French classes, i only know like two words T-T
but felix speaking french is just neidkskdmxkcks (shoutout to that one talker episode)

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