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Chapter 2 ⚠️

When Minnie reached the kitchen she actually stopped for a while. She was thinking what will happen on the next few days, especially Miyeon is around. She got back into her senses and opens the refrigerator, and she saw some frozen shrimps. She will cook Pad thai for Miyeon since she loves Thai food and will also cook for Shuhua.

She then took the shrimps out of the fridge and place it on near the sink. She prepared all the ingridients needed for Pad Thai. Luckily her father thought her how to cook it well.

When she was sauteing the garlic and tofu on the pan, a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. She was startled a bit that caused Miyeon to giggle.

"Oh i'm sorry for startling you baby" Miyeon said sweetly then burried her face onto Minnies neck.

"So you're calling me baby now?" Minnie said then she chuckled not leaving the pan out of sight.

"You like it when i call you that!" Miyeon exclaimed then went beside her.

"It smells great! I knew you were gonna cook Pad thai!" She added.

"Yes, it's for you of course! It's been a while since i've done anything for you. This is my way of making up to my beautiful girlfriend!" Minnie said then gave Miyeon a weak smile. She was still confused, but all that revolves around her head is that "i love Miyeon no matter what" for her to stop worrying.

"I noticed something!" Miyeon said making her to look back once more.

"What is it?" Minnie replied while raising both of her brows.

"You seemed strange, not bad strange but in a good way. And it makes me happy to see you like this. Don't change okay!" Miyeon said then gabe her a kiss. Minnie gave her a wide smile before continuing what she was doing.

From that moment on, she knew she didn't want to hurt Precious Miyeon. She is too sweet and caring. Minnie thought to herself.

A few minutes passed and the pad thai was cooked, then she called Shuhua to join them eat which made her happy because she thought Minnie wasn't gonna include her. After that Minnie and Miyeon went into their rooms as well as Shuhua who is going to sleep at the guest bedroom.

Minnie helped her girlfriend unpack her things, she bought a spare closet for Miyeon so whenever she visits her stuff would not mix with hers.

She reached for her pockets and her phone wasn't there, she left Miyeon there and went down stairs to fetch her phone.
She saw it near the counter tops. Suddenly a messaged popped out it was from Shuhua.

"I'm gonna tell you something tomorrow! It is a surprise for now."

"Whatever shushu"

"You two enjoy yourselves and take it easy Minnie!" Shuhua said making her blush. She wondered where her friend gets this dirty type of ideas but she nevermind, Shuhua is already at the right age and for sure she knows alot.

She then went to her room while scrolling on her instagram feed. After that she felt the need to go to the bathroom since she drinked alot of water. She then entered the bathroom, after that she heared the faucet running behind the curtains of the bath tub. She was about to turn it off when a hand stopped her causing her to see Miyeon wearing a Black lace underwear with a strapless bra. Her eyes went huge and her face turned red like a freshly grown tomato.

"i-i'm sorry i didn'-" Minnie was cut off when Miyeon kneeled to her level and gave Minnie a passionate kiss.

Minnie on the other hand, didn't know what was happening. It took a few seconds before she lets go of her thoughts. She separated their kiss and spoke.

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