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Chapter 40 ⚠️

Minnie's POV

As I stare at the woman of my dreams walking towards me, I can't help but to feel happy for making the right decision. Every thing went slow and I reminisced everything that has happened last year.

I can remember the moment when I told her that I love someone else, but what she did was prove to me that I can learn to love her back and be contented for what I have. I had a hard time moving on, but she was there during the process. She never gives up and she didn't fail me even once. That's what I found special in her, she is the type of person that will love you from the start up to the end.

We were already half way through the ceremony, Father was sharing words about wisdom and all but I wasn't really paying attention. My full attention was on Miyeon of course, I was holding her hand the whole time so I wouldn't fell nervous.

Miyeon and I kept looking at each other because Father was talking for a while now.

But after a few minutes, he asked us to stand up. This is it, the moment that we've all been waiting for.

One of Soojin staffs came close to me and handed me the microphone. It was time to say our vows for each other.

I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath so I can speak clearly, Everything that I'm about to say is not scripted. All of the words that will come out of my mouth comes from the heart.

The tingling feeling in my stomach makes me want to scream all of my emotions, but as I look into Miyeon's eyes, I felt like we had our own world as if we were the only one at the beach. After a few moments, I raised the microphone onto the level of my mouth.

"Cho Miyeon, from the first time I saw you, I knew you had something within you that would make me fall in love. Even though you were getting beaten up that time" I said then everyone at the event laughed from what I said including Miyeon. I just need to lighten the atmosphere a bit cause I can't speak clearly if I cry.

"Last year was a very tough year for us, especially for our relationship. Even though I was at the peak of giving up, you were there to cheer me up. You never left my side ever since, and you put all of your trust in me even if I tend to break your promises. But this time, believe me because what I am saying right now is all true" I said, then I took another deep breath before continuing. Tears were already forming on my eyes but I need to not let them fall.

"I promise to always be your side during your ups and downs. In sickness and in wealth, we'll stick together until the end. I'll protect you with all my might even if it means to risk my life. I love you Cho Miyeon, from the bottom of my heart. You are the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with and I promise to treasure every second of my life with you. I take you to be my wife, from this day and forward. Let this ring symbolize my undying love for you." I added as a tear finally escaped my eye. I looked at the sky and it was wonderful, I glanced towards the crowd and most of them were already sobbing.

Lastly, I turned to Miyeon whose tears were falling continuously down her face. She still looks beautiful even when she cries, but I don't like seeing her crying because it makes me cry as well.

I wiped the tear from my eye and brought out the ring. I slid it onto Miyeon's finger and as expected it fits her perfectly.

Now it's time for her to say her vows. I can't believe that I was able to resist my tears.

I handed Miyeon the microphone and she wiped her tears before taking it off my hand.

"Settle down everybody, I want to see Minnie to cry" Miyeon joked and every laughed once more. We are turning this wedding into a comedy station.

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