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Chapter 31

Yuqi's POV

-few minutes earlier-

If you ask me what I'm feeling right now, It's happiness. When Minnie knelt down, I already had a feeling that she was going to confess. I was happy about it and it was everything I wished for. But...

"Remember when I said I was going to the bathroom? The truth is I went to the jewelry shop near it." Minnie said, oh so that's why she was caught by the private media standing in front of the jewelry shop. I guess she planned it for quite sometime.

"I see that's why one of Mark's media saw you standing outside the jewelry shop!" I said playfully then I hit her lightly on the shoulder.

Eventually, I stopped giggling as her eyes met mine. I looked away and it was from that moment... I saw someone familiar.
My adrenaline suddenly got triggered when I saw him walking at the other side of the lake. Shit he might see me, what should I do? I thought to myself then I faced Minnie who was currently staring at me.

Without any hesitations, I cupped her face and placed my lips onto hers. It was the only thing i could think of. Though I've been waiting for a long time for this moment but this shouldn't happen.

As we kiss, all I thought was to enjoy every second. I wrapped my arms around Minnie's neck and she did the same to my waist. I took a quick peek to see if Lucas was still there. But he was already gone, lucky for us.

But our moment ended when I heard someone call out Minnie's name. I completely forgotten about the surpise because of the mix emotions I'm feeling.

I slowly parted our kiss and looked at Minnie for a few seconds. We're screwed, I'm screwed.

I turned my left and I can see Miyeon standing there with tears in her eyes. I felt Minnie looking at me but I don't have the guts to look at her especially right now. I pushed Minnie away from me.

"M-Miyeon?? " Minnie said then Miyeon's tears started to fall. I really felt bad for kissing Minnie in front of her, This is all my fault.

Minnie then went close to Miyeon but she took a step back.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Miyeon cried out.

"Miyeon, pls let me explain.." I said but when I approached her she suddenly slapped me hard which caused me to fall to the ground. I wasn't expecting that from her but I deserved it.

"YUQI!" I heard Minnie yelled, suddenly I felt her hands touch my shoulder. Minnie helped me stood up. I looked at Minnie and she was so pale, I really feel guilty right now.

"Miyeon wait, It's not what you think!.... It's just a misunderstanding." I said then I tried to approach her but she turned around and walked away fast.

I didn't followed her but Minnie did, she quickly hugged Miyeon from behind and tried to stop her.

"Miyeon please, l-let me explain.." Minnie said, she was sobbing as well. Miyeon tried to remove herself from Minnie's arms but she failed to.

Miyeon fell to the ground as well as Minnie, she was crying so loudly and I can't help but to feel ashamed of myself even more.

"I can't b-believe you would do this to me Minnie. Let me go!!" Miyeon cried out once more, I can feel the pain she's feeling right now.

"I trusted the b-both of you. Especially you Yuqi." Miyeon added, she was still trying to break loose from Minnie but she was too weak. She looked at me as her tears fall continuously down her face. I felt a tear escaped my eye

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