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Chapter 11

Third Person's POV

Two days have passed and Yuqi hasn't been able to convince Minnie into helping her. Minnie on the other hand was already planning her escape. Miyeon and Lisa were already discharged from the hospital and they stayed at the hotel.

During Minnie's days with Yuqi, she became more stronger and fearless. It's like she was influenced by Yuqi somehow. She spent her days planning her escape and thinking about Miyeon. Yes, she still doubts herself, but she would always remind herself that she loves Miyeon no matter what.

Minnie's POV

It's been two days and everything is still the same. All i ever thought was how am i going to escape. Should i tie her up when she sleep? Or should i kill her? No that would be too stupid. I need to come up with a plan in which she would allow me to move freely in this house. Aha! I have a plan.

Yuqi's POV

Last night, i dreamed about my parents and we were all at a small table in a small house. It was perfect, we were talking about life and telling jokes. But suddenly it stopped there, i suddenly woke up because i felt tears falling down. Why am i crying? Is it because of my dream? For sure it was because of that. I've always wanted a normal life where i can go to school and have friends, go to parties and go home late. I haven't experienced things like that in my entire youth. Although i had friends before, but they are now living their lives freely.

I checked my phone and it was 6 am in the morning. I stood up and I smelled something good. I washed my face and hurriedly went to the kitchen, i found Minnie cooking something.

"Goodmorning!" Minnie said then smiled at me. Is she for real? Did she just smiled at me?

"Goodmorning, you seem happy?" I asked as i make myself a hot coffee.

"Yes, i was actually thinking about your offer and i accept" she said which made me stop from what i was doing. Did i heard it right? She accepts?

"Are you serious? Look, i am not in the mood for jokes" i said then she turned to look at me.

"Did you cry?" She asked, i guess it was noticeable because of my eyes.

"No, I accidentally applied soap in my eyes that's all!" I defended then she went near me. She stepped closer and closer until i can feel her hands touch my shoulder.

"I'll help you." She said then went even closer to give me a kiss. Is she for real? What is she doing? Is she flirting with me for real?

"Why are you doing this?" I asked then i tried looking closely to her.

"Nothing, it's just that i feel like you really need my help" she said then gave me a wink. I don't know why but i can feel my face burning. Shit! Am i blushing?

"Okay that's good to hear, since we need to look like we're in a relationship, you can continue this flirting" i said then she just continued cooking. I don't know why, but i trust her already. Finally my plans are surely to be delivered successfully.

After a few minutes, the food she was cooking was done. She plated it and wow it was amazing. It was Pad Thai.

"I have to say, i am impressed" i said.

When i was about to reach for the fork, she suddenly grabbed it and stuck it into my food. And then i knew what was going on.

"Open wide Yuqi hihihi" she said while she was giggling.

"I can eat on my own Minnie" i said but she pouted so i just go with the flow.
She was watched me eat the whole thing, she was smiling and showing me her bunny teeth which made me even more anxious about the situation. I must resist her charms, i cannot fall for this.

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