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Chapter 13

Yuqi's POV


It's already 11pm, i was at my window and waiting for Mich to arrive. She hasn't called me for 5 hours. She told me she was gonna see me after her party but she isn't here yet.

Maybe i should sneak out instead?

And i did. It was the most dangerous thing i ever did in my entire life. Because once my father realizes that i'm gone, he would go crazy mad.

I went out of my window, luckily my room was just two story high and there is a tree that can help me climb down. When i was 8 years old, i used to climb the tree near my room when father is not around. It was the only fun thing i did growing up.

When i climb down, there was no one at the first floor of our house. Everyone was already asleep for sure. Next is i have to cross our huge gate. Father usually locks the gate before sleeping, I don't have any keys so my only chance is to climb.

I climb the gate slowly to avoid unnecessary noise and as i reached the top i almost slipped but luckily i had the chance to grab the metal bar. After that i jumped and was successfully out.
Mich's house is just two streets away, good thing we are in the same subdivision.

I ran and ran until i reach their house. I was running out of air but i didn't care. After a few minutes i arrived in front pf their house. I peeked to the window and i saw Miyeon holding the telephone. She was talking to someone i assume. After a few minutes she dropped the phone and i was about to knock at the window but she suddenly left. I still knocked as hard asi can but she didn't hear me. I was so down, all i wanted was to greet her personally. But she has forgotten about me.

After realizing that no one was coming back, i left their house and just went home. When i returned home, i saw a lot of guards outside our house. And from that moment i knew that i was in trouble.

"There she is sir!" One guard yelled and he went towards me. I saw my dad standing outside our gate and his arms were crossed. I was expecting that he will yell but he didn't.

"From now on, you will not see that ridiculous friend of yours, i am banning you from using the telephone and you are going to be home schooled." My father said. Tears suddenly rolled down my face because i was so stupid to escape, now i must face all the consequences.

I didn't said a word and just went up into my room. I stayed up all night crying. I can't believe that Mich forgot her promise.

After a few moments, i woke up and tears were once more falling from my face. But it didn't matter. I checked the clock and it was 1:00 in the morning. I stood up and went to the kitchen because i was feeling hungry all of the sudden.

I picked up an apple and took a huge bite. I looked outside the window and something was not right.

The keys of my Car is gone. Shit. I knew this would happen.

I ran towards Minnie's room and she wasn't there. After that i ran to the garage to find that my car is missing.

I shouldn't have trusted Minnie that much. I am so angry right now, but i have to find her. She doesn't have a phone, money or anything. She might get lost and she might ran out of gas. There was a pain in my chest that aches, i felt betrayed all of the sudden. Am i really that easy to forget?

Before thinking of anything else, i took an old rusty bicycle out. It was still in a good shape, so i hopped in and biked.

I was biking through the corn fields, i was scared because it was so dark and all i had was the flashlight of my phone. But it didn't matter, i just need to reach Minnie. She can't survive on her own even if she's in the car.

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