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Chapter 20

Mark's POV

We were now currently eating in silence, I don't know why but when i arrived they were all energetic and now they aren't. Yuqi made food for all of us and it was pretty good, it was actually thai food. Minnie must have taught Yuqi how to cook thai food.

After a few moments, i decided to break the awkward silence.

"So about the plan, can we talk about it now?" I asked then they both stopped eating.

"I guess we should talk about it now" Yuqi replied.

"So how is it going to start?" Minnie asked.

"This is how we're going to start. Me and Minnie will go to the mall, we are going to disguise ourselves a bit and i want you Mark to gather some of your trustworthy people. They are going to take pictures of us together and they are going to spread it all over the media."

"Wouldn't that make you guys easier to find?" I asked, because they are surely going to be caught.

"No, let me finish Mark. Before you spread it to the media, me and Minnie will go to a salon and dye our hair so people wont notice us anymore. It would be safe for all of us." Yuqi said then i just nodded. She looks confident while telling her plans, i guess she is a hundred percent sure that it is going to work. I have a feeling that something bad will happen but i trust Yuqi.

"Okay, if that is settled when are we going to execute the plan?" minnie asked then looked at Yuqi.

"On Christmas day" Yuqi said then i gulped.

"Why does it have to be on Christmas day? When we could do it some other time?" I asked then she kicked my foot under the table. She was signaling me to be quiet. I think she is planning something else.

"I mean, yeah of course It is a perfect date since Christmas is a special day. People would think that you are really in love with each other." I said then continued eating. Minnie didn't spoke a word but i know that she agrees with the plan.

"I need to talk to you in private Mark, but as of now, let us eat" Yuqi said then continued eating as well. I was left wondering why Yuqi signaled me earlier. Is she trying to hide something and doesn't want Minnie want to find out? Let's just see later.

Yuqi's POV

"Okay let's all talk together later about the details of the plan. As of now Mark, i want to talk to you privately." I said then i dragged Mark outside to the sea side. I left Minnie there because she can't know about my other plan.

"What the heck Yuqi? Why did you kick me earlier?" Mark said then crossed his arms.

"Don't give me that attitude you idiot! You were about to expose me with my other plans! Which you are not aware of" i replied then he looked at me confusingly.

"Other plans? What do you mean? Are you planning something stupid again?" Mark said then let out a laugh.

"No you idiot! I was planning on surprising Minnie on Christmas!" I said.

"Oh really? After the plan or before the plan?" Mark asked. Actually i've already had the perfect plan.

"After the plan of course" i said then i looked at the sea.

"So what is this surprise for Minnie?" Mark asked then i let out a sighed before speaking.

"I was planning to surprise her after the plan. I want you to ask Miyeon to meet us in a private place so she and Minnie can meet. It is the least i could do for Minnie since she is willing to help me with her plan." I said then continued staring at the sea.

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