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Chapter 37

Minnie's POV

We are already arrived at the nearest hotel, we didn't made an advance reservation because I forgot. As we enter, I was amazed on how the lobby looks like, but it reminded me of something.

While I was enjoying myself, I didn't notice Miyeon was already at the counter waiting for me. I walked towards her as I pull my heavy luggage, I don't even know why she brought a lot of clothes, we are only here for a week.

"Good morning ladies, welcome to our hotel. What can I help you?" The lady on the counter said, her speaking voice is very clear and deep.

"We would like to book a room for two please" Miyeon said then the lady turned to their computer to find us an available room.

"I'm sorry ma'am but the only room available is suitable for one person" The lady said, I knew I should have booked in advance.

"Is the bed big enough to fit two people?" Miyeon asked the lady then I looked at her shockingly I don't even know why. There is this thought in my head that suddenly pops in.

"Yes, our rooms have the same sizes, the number of beds are the only thing that varies" the lady replied.

"Then we'll take it." Miyeon happily replied to the lady, why is she so happy all of the sudden? She was being sulky a minute ago now she's like all rainbows and sunshine. I sometimes don't understand her mood swings but that's why I love her.

"Here are the keys to your room, your room is room 231 on the 6th floor. There is a telephone in your room so please do not hesitate if you have any concerns. Thank you and I hope you enjoy your stay here" The lady said as she smiled and bowed at us.

I grabbed the keys from her hand and then went straight to our room. We used the elevator of course, we wouldn't want to carry all of these heavy luggages up to the 6th floor right?

The elevator was a bit slow, but it had a 360 mirror. It's weird because you can see every angle. I looked straight at the mirror in front and Miyeon was just staring at me.

She's literally staring at me. I tried waving my hands but she wasn't responding. So I shouted loudly that made my voice echoe inside the elevator.

"MIYEONIEEEE PABOOO!" I shouted then she got startled, I laughed at her reaction because it was hilarious.

"Yah, why are you screaming?? Good thing were alone here!" She scolded but I just laughed at her.

"You were staring at me like I'm some kind of painting. And I was trying to get your attention by waving but you seem to not notice. So I shouted and here you are talking to me as if you you had amnesia" I said then she looked at me strangely.

"I wasn't staring at you! I was probably thinking!" She defended then the elevator suddenly opens at the 3rd floor.

There was two guys who entered, so we stepped back a bit. The elevator closed again, me and Miyeon suddenly became quiet. I was looking at the mirror and I saw this guy looking at the mirror as well. But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at Miyeon who was currently applying lip balm on her lips.

This guy is probably into her I can tell, he was biting his lip as he looks at Miyeon from head to toe. I am getting a bit annoyed, so I immediately went near Miyeon. I removed the Lip Balm from her hand and stole a quick kiss on her lip.

She was suddenly surprised because of what I did, I glanced at the mirror and the guy that was staring at Miyeon looked dumbfounded. He can't stare at my Girlfriend that way, I'm the only one who should stare at her like that. Men like him makes me sick!

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