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Chapter 28

Yuqi's POV

We arrived at the mall and the people here are twice as many than the people at the amusement park. We must be careful or else someone might actually recognize us this time.

I asked Minnie to park my car in a dark corner on the 5th floor so no one would notice it, it was a since good thing I changed my plate number from the moment i bought the rest house. It would be easy for my father to find me since he knows my plate number.

"Are we going straight to the salon?" Minnie asked as she stepped on the breaks.

"Not yet... It's a bit too early, but our hair should be done before sun set." I said then she looked at me confusingly. Oh shit, I might blew the surprise.

"Why? Are we in a rush?" Minnie asked.

"No, i was... I mean just follow my lead okay? I don't know how to explain. Words can't express what's on my mind" I said then i looked away.

"Hmmm I feel like you're up to something stupid again" Minnie said but i just stepped out of the car.

"Let's get going, we also need to buy new clothes remember?" I said changing the topic, then Minnie stepped outside and went beside me. She intertwined her hands with mine and we walked towards the entrance of the mall.

It's been a while since I've been to the mall, I usually go alone because I have no friends to come with me. It's either i come alone or my father would force me to bring my body guards.

As we entered, the voices of the people welcomed us along with the cold breeze of the air condition. The mall was loud since they were playing loud music from different stores.

Me and Minnie wondered around to find a store for us to buy clothes. I am really into fashion, my clothes were always Gucci, my bags were all bought from Prada.

"Hey look at that store, they are on a Christmas sale!" Minnie said then pointed at an unknown store.

"Hmm... okay let's check if it satisfies my taste" I said then we went inside the store. Their clothes were a bit too colorful for my eyes. I usually wear dark clothes, bright colored clothes makes my eyes hurt.

"Baby woogi this would look good on you" Minnie said then handed me a a Blue wavy dress. I am not into dresses at all!

"Yah i don't like wearing a dress Kim Minnie!" I said then she pouted.

"Then what do you like?" She asked.

"I am a huge fan of Gucci" I said then she looked at me from head to toe.

"You really like expensive stuff huh? You know there are more cool clothes than Gucci!" Minnie said then returned the dress she got from earlier.

"Of course I like expensive stuff. It's the only fun i get. But I appreciate small and simple efforts as well" I replied.

"Then how about let's try Bench? It's a well know brand and it's not that expensive. You'll probably like it there" Minnie said then smiled at me. She was trying to keep up with my level and i find it cute cause she doesn't have to.

The truth is, my mother would scold at me if she finds out that i wear lousy clothes.

When we were about to leave the store, Minnie pulled me towards her. She was looking to her right as if someone was watching her. She leaned close to my ear and whispered something.

"Woogi, I saw someone taking a picture of us." Minnie whispered and i tried to find who she was talking about. I saw the girl and she wasn't the one I saw earlier. She was wearing the same jacket which means she is probably one of the private media that Mark hired.

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