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Chapter 14

Yuqi's POV

I trust people to quick, it's already part of me. Ever since i was young, i wanted to meet many people, but due to the social class of my family and the one sided mind of my father. My mother would always agree in his decisions, i never felt like i had a mother but i tried my best to see her as she is.

The thought of living alone, far away from home made me laugh. My humor suddenly changed, i'd laugh at my own sufferings to feel better.

"You're so stupid and naive Song Yuqi" i said to myself then i chuckled. But i felt the tears coming from my eyes. It started falling down like an endless running faucet. I touched my face and wiped my tears away.

"Tears? HAHAHA am i crying again? What a weak person you are song yuqi!" I said to myself then got up.

I grabbed the rusty old bike that helped me realize how much of a fool i am. I took a deep breathe and calmed my nerves. I can still feel the pain on my knees but i loved it.

But there was a voice echoing in my ear that made my emotions straight. No, it couldn't be.

For a minute there, i actually heard Minnie's voice. Impossible, i thought to myself. But why do i get this weird feeling that i should go and find her? Nah maybe i'm just really imagining things.

"I'll probably marked this day, the last day of -" i said to myself but i heard Minnie's voice once more.

My heart began beating fast, i know that i was already back in the reality. I heard her voice, i need to find where she is.

I hopped on my bike and scrolled around the town, it had alot of turns but i'm pretty sure that i'll be able to find her.

Two minutes have passed and i can already see the Exit of the town. But there was something that caught my attention.

That's my car! What happened? It looked like it hit something hard. The lights inside the car was on. But there was no sign of minnie. I already had a bad feeling so i hurriedly hopped on my bike once more and looked around.

My heart was tremendously beating fast, the pain i was feeling didn't bother me because all I'm concerned about is Minnie.

After a few minutes, i heard something like metals that are clashing. It came from a dark corner just a few meters ahead of me.

I quickly went to it and i was shocked.

I saw a guy and he was chaining Minnie to the wall. My body suddenly felt cold because of the nerve racking feeling that i suddenly felt. There was a thought inside my head to just leave but i can't because i can imagine someone dear to me crying.

I was already panicking, I didn't know what to do, but i found a huge plank laying on the ground. I grabbed it and slowly went closer to him.

I can feel my arms shaking but i must hit him hard so he would pass out. I was slowly walking and then i swung the plank onto him.

He fell down to the ground as i hardly hit him. I quickly dropped the plank and went towards Minnie who was passed out and chained up.

I knelt and grabbed her face. I was shaking her so she would wake up.

"MINNIE!!! MINNIE WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP!" I said silently but she wasn't responding, she was still breathing and that's a relief. I tried shaking her but then i noticed that there was blood flowing down her face.

After that i quickly removed the chain from her, luckily the guy hasn't locked the padlock yet. She was bleeding real bad, i ripped a part of my shirt and applied pressure on her wound. I need to get her to the car quick so i can take her back to the rest house and patch her up.

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