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Chapter 38

March 8, 2021 (one day before the wedding)

7:00 pm

Minnie's POV

Tomorrow is a big day for me, but before I say my vows in front of the altar, Shuhua forced me to go enjoy my last day of freedom. I don't get the concept of these bachelor parties, so going to a bar would be nice.

She kept insisting that I should go have fun  in a bar with other people, but is that really what you do before the wedding day? I mean I've seen parties of guys before the wedding and their bachelor party are mostly consist of woman who were wearing a bikini, but that's not for me. I'll just have a couple of drinks with Shuhua and a couple of my friends.

I wore a black tank top and brought a denim, I paired it with my denim shorts and black boots. Since we are going to a bar I need to wear something relevant so I can blend in easily.

Miyeon and I are going to separate Bar's since we need to enjoy ourselves without hearing from each other. But maybe I would call her just to make sure she's doing fine and no one flirts with her, you know what I mean.

"Miyeon ah! Are you done dressing up?" I asked as I apply lipstick in front of the mirror. She was still in the bathroom doing her own business.

"Almost done! Just a few more minutes" she yelled, suddenly my phone rang and It was Shuhua calling me.

"Kim Minnie where are you??"

"I'm still at home, I'm waiting for Miyeon to finish dressing up so we can leave together"

"Yah! I've been waiting here outside the bar for twenty minutes!"

"Our call time is 7:30! Why are you so early?"

"Because I am so eager to drink!"

"You know that I promised your sister that I'll watch over you so you wouldn't drink to much."

"No fair Kim Minnie! Just hurry up"

"Oh by the way, have the others arrived?"

"No, it's just me... So please hurry up!"

"Okay! I'll just drop of Miyeon at Jennie's house."

"Jennie? You mean Lisa's Girlfriend?"

"Yes, Haven't you heard that the Kim's and Cho's wine business united?

"No, well that sound great. So please come get going"

"Yeah see you"

I dropped the call and Miyeon suddenly went out of the bathroom. My eyes got stuck to her because she looks so sexy with her clothes. Anyone would drool over her just by glancing at her.

She was wearing a black tube and stripped mini skirt with net, she was wearing black boots like mine and she matches her outfit with the necklace I bought her. She even curled her hair which made her ten times more hot.

"You seem to like my outfit today Kim Minnie" Miyeon said as she walks towards me. Why does she have to be this intriguing?

"You look so hot Miyeon, did you do that on purpose?" I said then I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Yes, of course. Just like what Shuhua said... I'm going to enjoy my last day of freedom" Miyeon said sexily then gave me a soft kiss.

"Yah! I just don't get to drunk Miyeon. You know what happens when you're drunk. And I don't want you near guys that are weird okay? Make sure to stick with Jennie. I'll pick you up exactly at 10:30. I'll also call you when I arrive at the bar" I said then she suddenly giggled. How can she be cute and hot at the same time?

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