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Chapter 39

March 9, 2021
-Wedding day-

Minnie's POV

This is the day, I'm finally going to marry the woman of my dreams. I've been feeling mix emotions lately, I don't know how to feel but the majority of my feelings is happiness.

I'm nervous at the same time, I'm still curious about what it's like to stand at the altar as you watch your partner walking down the aisle. But Our wedding is not going to be held in a church, like planned before, we are going to get married at the beach.

It's currently 9:00 in the morning, Miyeon probably left early. They say that it's bad luck if a couple is together before the wedding ceremony, I don't believe in that saying but I'm not gonna risk it.

The morning birds welcomed me as I stood up from the bed, my head still hurts from last night. But I still can't believe that Miyeon woke up first without me knowing. She probably went to her parents house.

I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast, but when I got there, I saw Shuhua staring at her coffee blankly. What could she be thinking? Then I suddenly remembered last night, when I caught her making out with Sana.

"Yeh Shuhua..." I calmly said as sat beside her.

"You look so calm Minnie, aren't you nervous about later? Your gonna get married." Shuhua said then took a sip from her drink. I don't know if I should bring up the topic about last night though.

"Of course I'm nervous but I'd rather stay calm than worry myself. How are you feeling?" I asked as I pat her back.

"Good." She said then took a deep sigh.
"About last night... me and Sana... that didn't mean anything. It was nothing Minnie." Shuhua said but she turned her head against me.

"I know... but how are things between you and Soojin? Not to mention the fact that it's her birthday today." I said then Shuhua finally faced me. She looked shocked from what I said.

"Oh shit! I completely forgot that it's her birthday... I was too busy thinking about your wedding ugh." Shuhua said out of frustration. I can't believe she would forget Soojin's birthday, our wedding really made her think a lot.

"Then you better fix things between you guys. I don't want to see you ignoring each other at my wedding later" I said then I stood up because I need to cook something for myself.

"Fine, I'll lower my pride and apologize to her" Shuhua said then rested her head on the table. She is overthinking everything, and I can't help but to worry a bit.

"That's the spirit. But seriously though, you guys should take your relationship on another level" I said as I grab the pancake mix on the shelf.

"I don't know, I feel like I don't fit her standards. She is not my girlfriend, but she told me that she likes me as well."
Shuhua said confusingly, they are so complicated.

"Then just be honest with her, you know that it's the most Important thing in a relationship... Honesty and Trust." I simply said.

"Okay, I'll talk to her later. But I just hope that... you wont mention what happened last night." Shuhua said then I turned around to face her. I gave her a sharp look before speaking once more.

"I'll just use this information as a blackmail for you. So you better be nice to your pretty friend" I threatened her.

"You are such a bad friend Kim Minnie, your lucky today is your wedding" Shuhua said then face palmed herself.

After a few seconds, my phone suddenly rang and it was Lisa calling me.

"Minnie, how are you feeling??"

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