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Chapter 41

February 14, 2025

Third person's POV

Three years have already passed, Minnie and Miyeon's relationship grew stronger as time passes by. They have surpassed many challenges through those years and none of those situations made both of them doubt each other.

Both of them became successful, Minnie has been traveling around the world because she became a famous photographer. Miyeon on the other hand, became the CEO of her own company, despite the fact that she is the next heir of their wine business which was also a huge success.

Their love for each other didn't fade, the lesson that they learned during their time in Beijing was very life changing especially for Minnie. She became a better version of herself which made her who she is right now.

Minnie's POV

"Jagiya, can you come and help me with something?" I asked Miyeon who was currently on the phone scolding at the catering services for being hard headed.

"Nicha !!! Maybe I should just call someone to do my make up. I really don't trust you." Shuhua said as she blocks my hand from touching her face. I was actually doing her make up right now, and I can't believe that she doesn't trust me. Make up is my thing and I have a sense of style, why can't she see that though?

"Yeh Shuhua, if you would just stay still and trust me! I am not gonna make fun of your face especially today!" I scolded her, suddenly Miyeon went beside me.

"Where did you even get that catering services? They are so hard to talk to!" Miyeon said irritably.

"Take it easy Miyeon, breathe in ! breathe out!" I said then gestured her to breathe normally, I don't like seeing her stressed out because she becomes sulky.

"Okay, I'm already calm. What seems to be the problem here?" Miyeon asked.

"Shuhua doesn't trust me, she doesn't want me to do her make up" I said then pouted at them both.

"Shushu you should let Minnie do your make up, she is a professional. Plus she wouldn't screw this up for you" Miyeon said, Good thing she's on my side.

"Yah, listen to my wife! Remember when I let you do my make up on my own wedding? I am just returning the favor!" I said but Shuhua looked away and crossed her arms.
"Fine Kim Minnie! Just don't over do it! I don't want to be looking like a clown on my own wedding." Shuhua finally gave up, we need to hurry up because her wedding will begin momentarily.

"You should be thankful because I am your make up artist slash photographer for today. I declined many clients just for you!" I said as I apply light foundation to her face. Her skin was so white that the foundation actually looked useless.

"I'll thank you later after I see my face." Shuhua said, I can't believe we are arguing just because of her make up. But I will make sure that she looks stunning today.

"jagi, by the way.. why did you bring your old camera? I mean the one that you used for a contest a few years ago?" Miyeon asked as she picks up my award winning camera. That camera means a lot to me, It was very sentimental to me ever since I won the photography contest years ago. I am using it now since it's Shuhua's wedding.

"Of course I want to use something more valuable for our number one supporter" I said then shuhua rolled her eyes.

"Save it for the speech Kim Minnie!" Shuhua said then I continued doing her make up.

It only took me a few minutes since her face is already naturally beautiful. I only applied light make up, but I used clear glitters so her eyes would shine.

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