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Chapter 29

Mark's POV

'I think you shouldn't do it today.'

'What the fuck are you talking about?! I've waited this long and you said today was the day'

'Look, I just don't want innocent people to get involved'

'Are you serious right now? Man up! She'll never be with you... so stop protecting her'

'I don't care about your opinion about how i should feel. But if you lay a finger on her I swear I'm gonna kill you'

'Look who's talking shit. You told me today was the day, but here you are arguing with me'

'Fine. Do what you must. I'll be watching you from a distance. Better not screw things up'

'Yeah. So where am I supposed to be again?'

'At the lake, before sunset. And may i Ask where you're going to take her?'

'Why do you care?'

'Come on, I'm part of the plan yet you only told me a few details'

'Abandoned school'

'The one documented in the media?'


'Did you break in there or asked the owners permission?'

'Do you even use your brain? Why would I ask permission? Of course I let my men barge in. Plus, what's a kidnap when people know where your location is.'

He's getting into my nerves, I hate it when we talk about something personally, especially when it involves me and my life. I did terrible things in the past, and now he's off to get revenge for his lost. Only does he know that the person he is about to torture is the wrong person all along.

Slowly do I feel guilty, but I don't want to be in the position where I am the one being tortured. It was a risky idea to get involved in this plan, my only enemy is myself. I've been hiding the truth ever since and no one seems to notice since I keep my profile low.

Miyeon's POV

Before going to the cinema, I asked Lisa if we could get something to eat. It is when I noticed the people around me. I've been seeing suspicious actions around me. There's this person, a girl that is always with her camera. She wasn't following us but I find her suspicious though. But just like her, I saw three more girls with the same type of camera but they were not together. Are they participating in a photography contest or something? But who would do such a thing during Christmas right?

After that, when me and Lisa were headed to the Cinema, my eyes accidentally saw someone I find familiar.

"Miyeon, what are the seat numbers again?" Lisa said then I went back to reality.

"Uhm.. it says here that our seats are in the middle row.. 56 and 57" I said then quickly glanced back at the person I was talking about. But when I did, she was already gone. Am I seeing things? Was it really my imagination?

For a moment there I thought I saw Yuqi, the wavy hair reminded me of her. But maybe I was just thinking about her too much. What could she and Minnie be doing right now? But it doesn't matter, what matters now is that I'm going to see Minnie again.

"Miyeon!" Lisa yelled into my ear.
"She's been asking you twice about the flavor of your popcorn but you aren't answering!" Lisa said then i turned to the person who was selling popcorn. I didn't knew that I was already next in line, I was thinking too much.

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