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Chapter 3

Third person's POV

Morning strike and Minnie woke up with a sleeping miyeon beside her. She remembered everything about last night. But instead of re-thinking everything, she got off bed and took a shower. She didn't want to disturb Miyeon's deep slumber so she silently went out of her room. She went down to the kitchen since she was starving like hell especially from last night. She then saw Lisa and Shuhua sipping their coffee at the table.

Minnie's POV

I went out of my room silently because i didn't want to wake Miyeon up. I went to the kitchen to find Shuhua and Lisa having a silent coffee moment.

They both saw me and looked at me weirdly. It was like a 'Aren't you gonna tell us what happened look'

"Why are you two staring at me like that?" I said then i crossed my arms. They both took a long sip from their drinks before responding.

"Oh nothing. It's just that, i heared weird noises coming from your room." Shuhua said blankly like she doesn't know what happened.

"Me too, i actually heared someone screamed last night i wonder who it was." Lisa said then looked at shuhua. They're smiling like psychopath's which is very creepy. I dont need to tell them anything because based on what their saying, they already know what happened.

"It's not like you don't know what happened." I said then rolled my eyes before walking towards the fridge.

"You're being sulky again! It's to early to act like that Nicha!" Lisa said loudly.

"So what did happen ?" Shuhua asked then she gave me a wink. This friend of mine is very inquisitive.

"She asked me to marry her" i said then i gave them a blank expression.

"REALLY?? WHAT DID YOU SAY? WHY IS YOUR FACE LIKE THAT!! YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY!" Lisa exclaimed before giving me. a hug. Shuhua on the other hand was smiling widely at me.

"I guess you're a hundred percent sure about this Nicha" Shuhua said not bringin back the conversation we has yesterday about me being confused.

"Yes, i am sure" i simply said. But am i really? No, i should stick to my decision and forget about my thoughts.
I thought to myself.

"And where is Miyeon? Is she still asleep?" Shuhua said before standing up.

"Uhm yeah she is still sleeping, i didn'-" i was cut off when Shuhua ran. I knew she was going to our room and greet Miyeon. Then it came to me that she was naked so i followed Shuhua.

"YAH SHUHUA DON'T GO IN-" before i finished my sentence she was already inside our room, to find a Naked Miyeon sleeping.
I suddenly ran to miyeon and cover her up with the blanket.
Shuhua covered her mouth because she knew her predictions were true.

"I KNEW IT" she yelled which caused Miyeon to wake up.
"Enough Shushu! I know you're happy and all. But please not now can't you see she's uhm naked! " i said firmly.
She then laughed loudly before leaving the room. If only she knew that i wasn't sure about marrying her.

"I'm sorry to wake you up, it was Shushu she ran then i followed and she began sc-" i didn't get to finish my sentence again. Why do these people always cut me off.

"Calm down! I understand why she is happy and you know it" Miyeon said before standing up. The sun light was hitting her body which made me stare at her. She notices and covered herself up with a towel.

"Yah, kim minnie! Stop it! "She giggled.

"I'm going out now, what do you like to eat?" I asked then i wrapped my hands around her.

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