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Chapter 4

Miyeon's POV

I'm so Glad that Minnie said yes to my proposal! I can't wait to get married with the love of my life. But i had this thought when i arrrived in Thailand. Minnie has been acting strangely these days, she seem so sweet to me which is good but she wasn't always like that. I would always be the one to make the first move but when i arrived at their home, she even insisted cooking something for me.
I didn't ask what was up, the important thing now is that she said yes and were finally getting married.

Today me and Minnie are on a date, were at the mall to buy new clothes before going to beijing. She also insisted going here because she's gonna buy new specs for her camera. She is very prepared, all minnie wants is to satisfy her clients which she always do.

"I'm starving, let's go eat somewhere" i said, we were just window shopping at the moment because we can't decide where to buy our clothes.

"Sure, do you want to eat at dad's restaurant?" Minnie asked me while she holds my hand. Everytime she does simple things my heart always flutter like hell.

"You make my heart beat crazy  baby" I said that made her eyes wide.

"I haven't done anything to you" Minnie said then smiled at me. That smile of hers would end my entire existence right now.

"It's just, the simple things you di makes me happy." I said then i gave her a quick kiss.

"Oh i see" she replied.

We went to the parking lot and encountered someone related to Minnie's past.

"Hey, Minnie!" Someone shouted behind us. I look to see who she was and my mood suddenly changed.

"Oh hey Sorn how are you?" Minnie said, she was about to let go of me when i tightened my grip. She looked at me curiously and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm fine Minnie, i missed you so much!" Sorn said while she slowly approches Minnie for a hug. Minnie hugged her back which made me look into the other direction.

"Oh is this Miyeon, nice to finally meet you. Congratulations btw! I heard that you finally proposed to Minnie. I'm so happy for the both of you" she added which made me smile a bit. Is she still communicating with minnie? Or did minnie told her about us?

"Thank you very much" i simply replied.

"We better get going Sorn, my Miyeon is starving!" Minnie said before waving sorn goodbye. It kinda made my heart bounce a bit. My Miyeon sounds nice.

We got into the car and then minnie spoke.

"What was that for?" Minnie said while looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I said innocently, but i know what she was talking about.

"I was just about to hug Sorn but you held me tighter" Minnie said then pouted. She looked at me and observe my actions well.
"Wait a minute, are you jealous Miyeon?" Minnie said then held my face playfully. I removed her hands and crossed mine.

"No i'm not!" I said then looked away.

"i can sense it, don't deny it" Minnie said while she gets closer to me.

"Fine fine, of course i'm jealous! Sorn was your ex what do you expect! And how did she know that were engaged ? Are guys still talking" I said angrily, i am being sulky again.

Instead of replying, minnie went to kiss me instead. I didn't kissed her back because i was so furious.

"Look, maybe Shuhua told her, you know that talkatice friend of mine. Plus, i only love you and no one else!" Minnie said which made me blush like hell.

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