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Chapter 17

Miyeon's POV

I was in my room wondering around, then i received a call from shuhua. I didn't answered at first because I wasn't in the mood to talk. There were guys from the Song Company who interviewed me earlier. Although they only asked one question, and I don't know why but it wasn't enough.

They asked me where Minnie is, i simply told them what Nurse Park told us. They weren't showing any emotions but i can tell they were satisfied with my answer. After that they thank me and left.

After a few seconds, shuhua then left me a text.

"Yah Miyeon, why aren't you answering my calls?"

"Are you watching the news right now?"

"Hey please talk to me"

What does she mean by the news? Immediately opened the Tv and changed the channel.

My heart dropped when turned to the news, minnie's face was aired. And it wasn't just that.

'They were in a secret relationship'

I turned my gaze to the CEO's daughter, time had stop and everything came back to me. The night when i was kidnapped at the mall, the moment where Lisa stood up for me.

My body went cold, my heart was shattered into millions of pieces. How can minnie do this to me? How can she do this to me after all these years?! I thought, tears were endlessly falling, my hands, knees, my whole body was shaking. I felt like i was gonna pass out. But I didn't, i was sobbing real hard, no one could here me. I didn't want to believe the news, but if they were lying, minnie could have told me herself.

There is still a gap in my memory, in which i couldn't remember. All came back but i feel like something was missing. It didn't matter to me right now. The image of minnie suddenly appeared in my mind, she was so happy, she was looking at me, she was telling me how much she loves me. But then it all stopped, i stopped.

I won't believe any of this nonsense! I need answers! I said to myself. Then i walked to the balcony to get some fresh air. I felt like i was suffocating, like I'm in a small, dark place trying to free myself.

I looked at the view and forget about everything at the moment. I just continued staring blankly ahead. I trust Minnie, she wouldn't do such a thing.

After a few minutes, Lisa arrived along with Mark. I guess i left the door open wide for them to enter.

When i saw Mark, i felt anger rushing through my veins. I hid my emotions because Lisa was there. I didn't want her to feel suspicious or anything and I don't want her to get involved. I would tell her the truth one day because she deserves it. I told her that i'll talk to Mark first, i just hope she doesn't find it suspicious.

When Lisa left, my mood suddenly changed. Mark was staring at me like he was waiting for me to talk.

"Where's minnie..." i said but he just sighed and didn't answered my question.

"You know that i can't tell you right?" He replied. I have every right to know where Minnie.

"I remember everything Mark, how could you do this to me?" I said, i was trying to resist my tears.

"Wait so, do you remember everything? Everything??" Mark said, I didn't know what he meant by that.

"Yes, i remembered Yuqi but I didn't expect her to be together with Minnie. Do you know how that feels Mark?!" I said with all frustrations.

"I don't know what it feels but i'm sure you're hurt. But i came hear to ask you something." Mark said, it made me curious enough to ask what it was.

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