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Chapter 21

Yuqi's POV

After i grabbed my sunscreen, i made sure that i wasn't flustered anymore. My red face would definitely be the reason why Minnie would tease me.

I went downstairs and went to the storage area where i keep spare bathrobes. I took two bathrobes, one for me and one for Minnie. Mark probably has his own. After that i sat on the sofa and waited for Minnie, she is probably dressing up by now. I wonder how she looks in a bikini. I was imagining her and I didn't notice i was smiling. My thoughts were stopped when someone suddenly covered my eyes from behind.

"Yah Kim Minnie i know it's you" I said then she removed her hands from my eyes. I turned to see her and my eyes suddenly went huge.

She backed up a bit and did a posing. She was so hot! Her white skin and toned abs and everything! I can feel my blood rising from below. I looked at her eyes and she was giving me once more a seductive look.

"Enjoying the view Song Yuqi?" Minnie asked then slowly walked towards me. I immediately stood up and crossed my arms.

"Oh please Kim Minnie, you got to do better than that" I said then looked away.

"Oh really? Then why are you looking away? And why are your cheeks blushing like a freshly picked tomato?" Minnie replied, then she hopped on the sofa and crossed her legs.

Shit i knew my face would be cause me trouble. Why dis i have to blush all of the sudden?!

"I am not blushing! It's my natural face you idiot! I looked away because my eyes hurt whenever i look at you"

"I was just kidding Yuqi! Chz don't be so mean! But if i'm being honest, you look like a snack" Minnie said, which made my face burn even more.

"Better stop making jokes like that or I'll tell Miyeo-" i was cut off when she suddenly grabs me by the hand.

"Yahyah whatever! Let's go for a swim! I can't wait any longer" Minnie said then i just let her drag me outside.

The sun wasn't that hot and the wind was blowing which made it even cooler. The sound of the waves were clashing to each other and it was music to my ears.

I grabbed a blanket so i can sit on the sand, Minnie on the other hand was standing at a distance where the water is already on the level of her knees. I was just observing her as she enjoys the splash of the water. The water was reflecting some of the light and it hits Minnie's body. She was shining even thou her Bikini was dark.

"Yuqi! Let's go for a swim! " Minnie yelled from a far, i wasn't in the mood to swim yet. I was actually waiting for Mark to return with the beers, i really don't drink but i like to try one.

"Later! I don't want to get wet yet. I'll just enjoy the view for a moment. You enjoy yourself!" I yelled back but she just replied by giving me a teasing look while sticking her tongue out. Gosh she is so childish at her age.

I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes for a while so i can seize the moment.


"Dad, i want to go for a swim! Can you teach me how??" I asked my dad who was currently busy with his laptop. He has been working so much even if we were on a vacation.

"No Yuqi, it's dangerous for you to swim alone" My dad replied without looking at me.

"That's why you come with me! We are on a vacation so we can bond and relax, but here you are busy with work! All i want was for you to teach me to swim" i said then he looked at me furiously. He slammed the table which made me back up a bit.

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