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Chapter 7  ⚠️

Third person's POV

"OH MY GOD!! MINNIE!!!" Miyeon panicked then went to minnie. She immediately dropped the coffee she was holding on the table.

"I'm scared Miyeon.." Minnie said then tears were falling from her eyes. It was the first time in a while since Miyeon saw her like that. The last time she cried is when their mother left. She was so afraid to loose her back then, until she realized that she doesn't need a mother because Lisa and her father are there to support her.

"Why?? Did something happen? You van tell me anything Minnie. I'm always here to protect you" Miyeon said as she helped minnie get on her feet.

"Somebody's been calling me ever since we arrive, it's like he/she always know where i am. I am also scared because you might get involved" Minnie said then Miyeon gave her a hug. She pats her back and told minnie that everything is going to be alright.

"Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this. I will not leave you no matter what. Just to make sure you feel safe" Miyeon added, She wiped Minnie's tears away and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Minnie's POV

I calmed down after a few minutes. Lisa and my father will arrive soon and i don't want to cause them trouble so i organized myself. I was relieved because of Miyeon's presence. I actually felt safe around her. But i'm still scared deep down.

It's already 5:00 am and Lisa and my father's plane already landed. We went to the area where the passengers exit and there i saw Lisa and My Father. I ran towards them and gave them a huge hug.

"I missed you guys so much" i said as i hugged them.

"Yah Minnie did something happen? It's only been a week and you missed us already? That's new?" Lisa Questioned me. Shit i was being to obvious.

"Why is there something wrong about missing you guys?" I said then i crossed my arms.

"Sulky minnie is at it again" My father said then they all laughed, Miyeon went beside me and held my hand. Lisa contacted the driver to pick us up. He arrived after five minutes and we all got in.

"So you'll be in a separate room i suppose?" I asked Lisa who was currently amused by the things she sees outside the window.

"Yes, i don't want to hear your moans" Lisa straightly said, My eyes went huge when she said that. Even my father heard it.

"Lisa watch your words" my Father scolded her.

"Sorry dad, i was just saying the truth" Lisa added then winked at me. If only i could punch her right now. Miyeon on the other hand was giggling at the back.

We arrived at the hotel and we went to our rooms. Lisa and my father's room was just a couple doors away. Our rooms were so convenient.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I was still scared at the moment even though we are already at the hotel. I filled the tub with warm water and there i soaked myself. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the person who called me earlier. I was certain about one thing, if i was able to find that Yoongi i will punch him in the face for scaring the shit outta me.

I grabbed the bottle of soap and the tub started bubbling. The tub was not an ordinary tub, there were also special features like bubbles and such. I was enjoying myself then Miyeon went inside the bathroom as well. She looked at me strangely then walked towards me. I was kinda shocked because she was removing her clothes as well. My eyes were stuck on her body and God she is beautiful. She then joined me in the tub.

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