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Chapter 35

Minnie's POV

Everything went black, I can feel myself longing for light. Walking continuously along the same dark path, I saw a light coming from the end.

My feet automatically moved fast, I ran and ran... I was already feeling the pressure, my breathing pattern became heavier as I get close.

I stopped in front of the light, thinking whether I should enter, but when I was about to take a step forward I heard someone calling my name from behind.


'Who are you?' I asked, without turning around.

'Choose wisely' the voice said.

I was literally having second thoughts, I don't know where I am and don't know why I'm here. After a while, I felt someone touched my shoulder from behind.

'Turn around..' she pleaded.

'Why should I?' I asked her, I suddenly felt shivers all over my body. I felt her cold hands slowly soothing my hair. I closed my eyes and just hoped that this decision I am making wouldn't make me suffer any longer.

My body slowly turns against the light, so I can face the person who is stopping from entering. Cold hands were now touching my face and it made me consciously open my eyes.

I was shocked at first because the scene has changed, I wasn't in total darkness no more.

The sunlight welcomed me, the waves were clashing as they wet my bare feet. My left hand was now feeling something warm, I glance to see what it was and I was holding someone's hand.

"Yuqi?? Where are we??" I asked but she wasn't looking at me. Dhe was wearing a white sleeveless dress and there is a whre flower upon her ear.

"Minnie... This is just a pigment of your imagination." Yuqi said then she gave me a warm smile. I don't know what she's talking about, am I dead?

"If you're a pigment of my imagination then what am I doing here?" I asked, she turned her full attention towards me and went closer.

Her hands traveled from my back onto the back of my neck, she gently places her lips onto mine. She closed her eyes and I did the same, but what's weird is I don't feel anything. I should have been feeling happy and excited about this since it's everything that I've dreamed of.

Something is definitely wrong.... I thought to myself.

I was trying to push Yuqi away but she suddenly wrapped both of her hands behind my neck which made me fall down to the sand. I cupped her face and trying to mumble something between our kiss.

"Y-yuqi... stop.. p-please stop" i said then she aggressively pushed herself away.
I stood up and quickly took a step back. This isn't the Yuqi that I know.

"I thought this is what you wanted?" She asked then carefully raised herself up.

"This is... but there is something wrong." I said, the warm breeze suddenly blew strands of my hair onto my face. Yuqi walked towards me and tried to remove the strands that were covering my face.

"Am I everything that you desire?" She suddenly asked, I looked away and stared at the sun. It was beautiful, but then there is this voice again that calls out my name.
It came from the sea and Yuqi noticed it as well.


She grabbed my face and forcefully made me look into her eyes.

"Look at me, this is what you want... stay here with me" she said but I removed er hands from my face. Tears were slowly forming into my eyes because I don't know what to do. But then again the voice was calling me once more.

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