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Chapter 15

Minnie's POV

After that sudden flashback, i regained my consciousness. But I didn't like what i saw. It was the guy who knocked me out earlier.

I saw heard him yell, then i saw someone lying on the ground. I can't tell since it was a bit dark. After a few seconds, the guy looked at the person on the ground, he was fuming mad.

But I wasn't gonna let it pass, i gazed around and i saw a huge rock. I quickly grabbed it and stood up, even though i was in pain.

Before he was able to get to the person on the ground, i hit him hard on the head. He directly fell on the ground. I checked him and i'm sure that he completely passed out.

I then turned my attention to the person on the ground. It was a girl! What is she doing here in the middle of the night? Did she heard me call for help earlier? She probably saved me.

I immediately went to her and knelt. I checked her pulse and what a relief she is just unconscious. Her hair was covering her face, i reached out to remove it and then...

"YUQI???!!" I said to myself, i felt my blood drop when i realized it was her.

I felt goosebumps all over my body. It's not because i was surprised but because i was terrified. I didn't want to harm Yuqi in the first place. Seeing her right now, surprised me and made me feel a shame of myself.

But i stopped my thoughts and focused more and Yuqi. I checked her and she was bleeding as well. Her wound on the head is much worse than mine. I didn't attempt to wake her up because i knew she wont.

I quickly carried her to the car, luckily we were bear the car. But how did we get here? Did she carried me all the way here?

I lay her body in the backseat of the car, i made sure that she won't fall. After that i quickly went to the driver seat and started the car. I took a U-turn and went back to the rest house. I'd rather take her there because i am not sure if there are near hospitals outside of this town.

I drove as fast as i could, it was dark but i was able to see the road clearly because of the tension that i am feeling. Seeing Yuqi got hurt made me sad, and i felt stupid for leaving her. But, if it weren't for her i would have been harmed. I owe my life to her now. And i need to return the favor.

After a few minutes, we already arrived in front of the house. I carried her like a bride since she was so light. The pain from my wound were inevitable but i endured it. I have to make sure that Yuqi is alright.

I left her on the sofa and i hurriedly went to every room to find a first aid kit. The last room i entered was her room, i opened the drawers and finally i saw a first aid kit.

I grabbed it and went back to Yuqi. I cleaned her wounds using a towel and some warm water, i applied anti-infection cream on her knee as well. As for her head, i took a gauze pad and medical tape.

I was done treating her, i kinda noticed that her clothes were a bit dirty so i grabbed some clothes in her closet.

I came back and removed her shirt. I was shocked when i saw a huge bruise on her stomach. It was already purple, it was probably done by the guy earlier. I swore to myself that i'll fucking throw him in jail for hurting me and Yuqi.

I didn't know what to do with bruises so i just used a heat pack to apply heat onto it. I gently tapped it to her bruise and i can see her flinching.

I held her hand and they were cold, i blew air onto it so it would be warm.

"I'm sorry Yuqi, If it weren't for you i'll be in trouble" i said then i closed my eyes as i held her hand. I didn't realize that i was already falling asleep. I was sitting on the ground whole she was on the sofa, but I didn't mind. After a few moments i felt myself already in a deep slumber.

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