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Chapter 32

Mark's POV

5:30 pm

I am at the top of the building, I brought with me my phone and binoculars. From here I can see the whole lake, from one end to another. I went here because I wanted to make sure that Wonhei, aka Lucas won't harm Yuqi. I don't trust him that much, I still consider him as my enemy even though I am helping him get revenge.

I waited for a few minutes, I looked through the binoculars and I saw a couple with different colored hairs. As I adjust the focus, I realized that it was Yuqi and Minnie walking along the other side of the lake.

I cannot help but to look at them, they looked like a couple. The fact that Yuqi loves her hurts me, I was there when she had no one but I guess she just considers me as a friend. But like I said before, my feelings for her won't change no matter what, I'm always here to protect her.

At first, I thought that Yuqi's hair never changed, but when the sun rays reflected it the color red suddenly appeared. It suits her so well, Minnie's hair also fits her very much. Minnie has this charisma that can attract anyone, no wonder why both Yuqi and Miyeon fell for her. It's none of my business now if Yuqi gets hurt because Minnie still loves Miyeon.

My phone suddenly beeped and It was Yuna calling me.

'Hello Mr. Tuan?'

'Why are you calling me?'

'I just want to inform you that we already uploaded all the pictures of Yuqi and Minnie'

'That's good then so what happened after?'

'I was just wondering if they were already in disguise, I mean we don't want them to be caught right?'

'Yes, they already changed their hair color and bought new clothes. You guys don't need to worry'

'Okay Mr. Tuan, as of now many are now spreading the pictures. It will only take a few minutes before it reaches the Company'

'Thank you so much for your help, I'll just contact you again. For now, don't call me again. I'm doing something important'

'Copy that Mr. Tuan.'

I ended the call and was a bit relieved, It was really our goal to make the pictures of Yuqi and Minnie go viral. When it reaches Mr. Song he would probably be surprised to see her daughter happy.

Speaking of which, I placed the Binoculars on my eyes and watched Minnie and Yuqi.
They reached the edge of the lake and they faced each other. I was feeling kinda strange as I observe them. After a few minutes, I was shocked to see Minnie kneel down in front of Yuqi.

Is that a ring?? I thought to myself. I looked closely and yes, it was a ring. She puts it onto Yuqi's hands and they looked so happy. But my attention was caught by another person at the other side of the lake. I directed my binoculars to the person and shit, It was Lucas. I completely forgot about the plan with Lucas.

I glanced back at Yuqi and Minnie and I was surprised because... They were kissing each other. But who's that... No...

Miyeon arrived and witnessed how her fiancé kissed Yuqi. Shit... this is bad. Why did they have to kiss? Why did Yuqi kissed Minnie? She planned to surprise Minnie with Miyeon but what happened is the other way around. It's like Miyeon was there to witness the truth.

I kinda felt bad just by looking at them, I didn't watch them argue because It's their own business.

But after a few minutes, I suddenly heard a loud gun shot. I ducked for a moment because I was afraid that the bullet was aimed at me. Luckily, it wasn't. I quickly stood up and grabbed my binoculars once more and checked on them.

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