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Chapter 23

Minnie's POV

I really hate my feelings right now, i'm mad and jealous at the same time. I couldn't think straight after seeing Yuqi being sweet all of the sudden to Mark. Are they already together? When I passed out last night, did Yuqi say yes to Mark?

"Kim Minnie, why do you even care! You have Miyeon okay? You are just her "pretend" Girlfriend so why are you so upset!" I said to myself then removed the pillow that was covering my face. I took three deep breaths before going out of my room. I got hungry all of the sudden, well of course, I haven't eaten breakfast yet.

When i went to the kitchen, i saw Mark cooking the Pancakes Yuqi requested. I sat on the chair and waited for him to notice me.

"Oh, Minnie i thought you were in your room" Mark said then turned around after flipping the pancakes.

"I got hungry" i simply said.

"Don't you worry ma'am, i'll make you breakfast as well. How do you like your pancakes? Cooked? Slightly cooked?" Mark said as he pretended to be some waiter. I find it cute when he did that, maybe it's the reason why Yuqi said yes? Why am i thinking this again.

"Yah that's cute Mark! Maybe that's why Yuqi and you are already so close!" I said, then i only realized what i said.

"What are you talking about?" Mark asked.

"Oh, hasn't she said yes to you?" I asked him back. Please don't be awkward self.

"Nope, when we were carrying you last night, she asked me to give her time to think" Mark said which made me nod a bit.

"So i really did passed out last night? Then did i woke up?" I asked him again.

"No, you were really asleep Minnie, you drank almost all of the beer which is the reason why you were not responding everytime Yuqi tries to wake you up" Mark said then laughed a bit. It was a but embarrassing for a guy to tell me that but it was fine since it's Mark.

"But she said that i was awake and i took care of myself last night... weird" i said which made Mark stop from what he was doing.

"Eh? I even helped her lay you down on the bathtub." Mark said then i froze from my spot. What did he say? Lay me down on the bath tub?

"Wait, are you trying to say that Yuqi bathe me while i was unconscious?" I said then he looked at me confusingly.

"Yes, i'm pretty sure she cleaned you last night. She was worried that you might get sick if you didn't take a shower" Mark said which actually made my heart beat fast again. Is he for real? Is he telling the truth? Yuqi actually cared for me?

But what about the dream that i had? No...... so the dream, impossible! Only Yuqi can answer the one question in my mind.

"I see, but now she is the one who is sick." I said.

"She was probably busy taking care of you than herself" Mark said then continued cooking.

"I feel bad now, she actually pushed me away earlier when i said that i would take care of her. She even told me that she wanted you to take care of her" i said then mark suddenly smiled.

"Did she really said that?" Mark said then chuckled. I can tell that he was so happy hearing all of this, since he likes Yuqi.

"Yep, so i'm counting on you Mark. Please take care of her for me" i replied.

"Do you like Yuqi?" Mark suddenly brings up a question which i want to deny but can't.

"Why are you asking me this Mark chzz. You know that i love Miyeon" i said then looked away.

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