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Chapter 5

Third person's POV

Minnie was already asleep when Miyeon came back from the bathroom. She sat then noticed the burnt area on her left thigh. It was not too big and not too small but noticable. But she didn't mind because it will fade soon.

She brought out her phone and took a picture of minnie while she was sleeping. She noticed that her position would give minnie a stiff neck, so she placed a soft portable pillow on the small table from their seat and layed minnie's head therez Minnie sleeps comfortably and doesn't wake up even if someone is touching her face.

"careful now" Miyeon thought to herself.

"There now Nicha can sleep comfortably!" She said. Then she stared at her as she sleeps.

"I knew you can be gentle, but only when you're asleep" Miyeon said silently then chuckled. She didn't sleep during the whole flight because she can still feel the pain from the spilled coffee earlier.

"MINNIE WAKE UP! THE PLANE IS ABOUT TO CRASH" Miyeon said loudly as she shakes Minnie's head for her to wake up.
Minnie woke up and looked nervous as hell. She stood from her sit to find the Plane empty.

"YAH! CHO MIYEON WHAT THE HELL!" Minnie said annoyingly while Miyeon beside her was laughing so hard.

"It was just a harmless prank! I was trying to wake you up but you wouldn't! So i waited until all the passengers are already gone" Miyeon said then continued laughing.

"I hate you! My heart went from 1 beat per second to 100 beats!" Minnie replied then they got up and grabbed their things.

They already landed in Beijing exactly 5:00 am. They went out and Minnie became more glad because she missed this place. They went to pick up their luggages then they headed to the main exit to look for their driver. Before the flight, minnie asked Lisa to book her a personal driver to take them to their hotel when they land on beijing.

They saw their driver holding a cardboard with their names on it. It was just like in the movies. The driver helped them with their luggages. The car wasn't just a normal car, it was a huge van.

"I didn't knew Lisa Booked a van instead of a normal car" Minnie said with an amused expression.
They got in the van and the driver drove slowly which was good.

"oh yeah, how is your thigh?" Minnie asked Miyeon who was looking outside the window.

"It still hurts, but i can endure it." She said then went back to what she was doing.

"When we arrive at the hotel, i'll ask for some ointment to cure that" Minnie said then her phone rang. She check to see who was calling and it was an unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this?" Minnie said.

"Goodmorning miss Minnie, i am Mark Tuan the secretary of Mr. And Mrs.Song. We would like to ask you if you have already landed in Beijing"

"Oh, i'm sorry. Uhm yes we just arrived and we're headed to the hotel"

"I would also like to inform you that, you need to meet me at the lobby of the Song's Company Building at 3 o'clock in the afternoon so i can assist you to the meeting"

"Okay, i'll be there"

Minnie said before Dropping the call. She thought to herself that the Song company is very serious even with the simpliest details. They make sure that the people they hire are going to the right direction.

"Who was that on the phone?" Miyeon asked then turned to minnie.

"It was the secretary of the Song's" Minniereplied which surprised Miyeon.

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