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Chapter 9

Minnie's POV

God damn Lalisa why aren't you answering my calls?!! I thought to myself. I was about to ask Dad to call her then i remembered that he was out of town. He went to his colleagues who lives here in China.

Fuck fuck fuck, i feel so nervous all of the sudden. Lisa mentioned that Miyeon was answering calls, but from who? No one could be calling her this type of day but me. I tried reaching her but she does not answer her phone. My heart is beating fast and i am breathing heavily. I decided to go to the mall and go find them. I can't stand myself waiting here, thinking that something bad must have happen.

Without 20 minutes i reached the mall, luckily there was no traffic. My heart stopped when there was an ambulance and lots of police cars around. I went closer to see the Person inside and my heart dropped as i realized. It was Lisa.
I ran towards the ambulance and saw Lisa laying there unconsciously. Tears were about to form in my eyes, i don't like seeing a family member in a situation like this.

"Stand Back miss!" The man said, i think he is a medical worker i can tell by the uniform.

"She's my sister! What happened to her? I-is she going to be alright?" I asked, my voice was already cracking because i was so fucking scared.

"She'll be fine, they found her tied up in the parking lot unconscious. The Police tried to view the cctv's but the tape recordings were found burnt" the man said. Then it came to me.


I fell on my knees knowing that Miyeon must've been kidnapped. My tears began falling and i don't know what to do. I can't call my father because he is far away. I have no one to rely on. I was sweating real bad and i was breathing heavily.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated inside my pocket. An unknown number is calling. I answered it immediately without thinking twice.

"YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER? AND WHERE IS MIYEON. DON'T EVEN DARE TOUCH HER OR ELSE" i said angrily. People were already looking at me but I didn't mind. I let my emotions out. All of my frustrations and fear.

"Don't worry, your sister will be fine" The person replied calmly.


"Calm down, if you want to see your girlfriend again. Meet me at the end of the lake. Make sure to not bring any one with you or else"

"HELLO? HELLO??!" It was the last thing i said. I went to give Lisa a kiss before leaving. I'm sorry Lisa, i need to save Miyeon. Hang on there.

I looked around the mall and i saw a man with a motorcycle. I actually bought it so i could be there at the lake as fast as i could. Luckily he gave the keys to me without any hesitations.

I wore the helmet and drive as fast as i could. I can feel my heart pounding fast and my tears forming. I resisted it cause i can't see the highway clearly. My mind was pre occupied by the face of Miyeon. She must be terrified by now. I knew I should've been there to protect her! I was so stupid!

After 5 minutes I safely arrived at the end of the lake, the place was dark and i couldn't see a thing. I turned on my flashlight and i hear someone breathing heavily. I turned my gaze onto the edge of the lake and i saw Miyeon tied up with her eyes closed.

"MIYEON! " i screamed then i went to her. I grabbed er face and fuck she has a bruise. What the fuck did they do to her?!

"MIYEON! MIYEON WAKE UP!" I screamed but she was just breathing heavily. Suddenly someone spoke from behind. It was a guy. But not just any guy, it is someone i know for quite some time. It made my blood rise knowing who it was.

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