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Chapter 33

Minnie's POV

I arranged myself as I listen carefully to what Lucas is about to say, everybody dropped their guns for a moment to hear Lucas's side. We need to know the reason why he brought us here and why is does he want revenge from Miyeon. There must have been something unsolved between them and I would do anything just to know what it is.

"How do I start the story Hmm..." Lucas said then scratched his chin.

"Aha okay, Once upon a time.... there was a group of friends which consists of two girls and two boys including me." Lucas said then pointed at himself. He was like narrating his own past.

"I was friends with Yuqi, Mark first, but then a foreigner moved in our town. And guess who it was? It was Miyeon" Lucas said then gave Miyeon a devilish smile.

"We became friends, and we were happy. Our families own different businesses. Miyeon's Family owns their wine business. And I'm sure you know that right Minnie?" Lucas said then raised his left brow as he looked at me.

"Right." I simply said then he continued.

"Moving on... as I said we were friends, Maybe you're wondering why your fiancé is good at aiming a gun, all of us were trained how to fire a gun. We also took golf classes and it's the reason why our friendship became deeper. We were also in the same school except for Yuqi who was home schooled because of her stupid over protective father. Our friendship was something I hold dear, but it all ended."
Lucas said then he stopped and faced Miyeon.

I suddenly gulped because Lucas's face became serious as he looked at Miyeon.

"My mother died, on the day of her birthday. And guess what? It was the same day as Miyeon's Birthday." Lucas added.

"And what does it have to do with her? It's not like it's her fault that it was her birthdayi as well?" Yuqi suddenly spoke.

"Shut up Yuqi, I'm not fucking finish" Lucas said which made Yuqi silent. The atmosphere was getting hot and intense.

"The autopsy report suggested that, she didn't die because of a heart attack... But because she was food poisoned. The last thing that she consumed was the Wine gift from the Cho's." Lucas said then he suddenly raised his gun towards Miyeon who was confused as hell.

"What are you talking about? My parent's have nothing to do with your family!" Miyeon defended, Yuqi suddenly pointed her gun towards Lucas.

"Oh is that so? Then why did your family returned to Korea after my mother's death? Was it just a coincidence Cho Miyeon?" Lucas said sarcastically, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Everything makes sense now. But Something feels wrong, I'm having a weird feeling that the truth hasn't been solved"

"We moved back to Korea because my father got a report about someone sabotaging the Delivery services" Miyeon said, but Lucas wasn't convinced.

"And you think that i'll believe everything that you said?" Lucas replied.

"I swear, I was also mad that day. I wasn't able to say goodbye to you guys properly that day. Because they were such in a hurry. The delivery services that is owned by Sorn's family tried to blackmail us." Miyeon said then I was surprised when I heard Sorn's name. Sorn is my ex-girlfriend and I never knew that they have delivery services.

"Sorn?? As in Sorn as my ex-girlfriend??" I suddenly spoke and looked at Miyeon.

"Yes, I'm not mad at her because you guys were in a relationship before, but because they framed my family for every mistake that they have done. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to tell you Minnie" Miyeon said then I just covered my mouth in disbelief. What a small world right? I can't believe that everyone that came into my life were connected all along.

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