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Chapter 8

Minnie's POV

It was already 1: 00 in the afternoon, i hailed a cab and went to the Song's Building. I arrive exactly 1:45 pm which was a good thing. I walked towards the lobby and i saw Mark sitting there. I was about to ignore him but he notices me then smiled. I went closer to him and he was just looking at me.

"Mark, about earlier i'm so sorry, i was just worried about Miyeon" i said then looked down.

"It's okay Minnie, Miyeon already told me that you've been bothered today" Mark said which made me curious. Why would Miyeon tell him about what happened.

"Did she say it specifically? What happened to me earlier?" I asked then he shook his head.

"No, she just said that you've been bothered because of something, which i don't know what" He replied then he stood up and faced me.
"Look, if you think that i'll be stealing your girl, better think twice because it won't happen" Mark added. Maybe he has a girlfriend?

"Don't worry, i'll just have to punch you again if you try to." I said then we both shared a laugh.

"I won't bother trying, plus i am already in love with someone else" Mark said which left me speechless.

"I see, you are a lover boy. Any one would easily fall for you especially with those good looks of yours" i replied then he blushed a bit. This was so weird, am i like flirting or whatever? I haven't encountered any guy that would blush like him.

"You are such a joker! Let's just head to the meeting room" he said then guided me once again.

As we enter the room, there was no one there as always. Mark went to arrange the chairs and i sat on the chair where i sat last time. I really hope that the meeting would start and end well. I am also hoping that they have found the daughter of the CEO. What was her name again? Song yugi? Yuqi yes Song Yuqi.

After a few minutes many people showed up and the CEO also arrived.

The CEO once more, reminds the people about the mission and the vision of the company. I don't even know why we are required to know this, we are just here for the wedding right?

"Okay without further a do let's start the meeting" The CEO said then sat on his black chair.

"Sir, has your daughter been found?" A random guy in a black suit asked. I looked at Mr. Song who took a deep breath before speaking.

"Sadly, we haven't. She actually called to tell us that she's doing fine. I've already forced her to go home but she is very stubborn" Mr. Song said. It was actually a relief to know that their daughter is doing fine. But i still wonder why she ran away just like that.

"Did you know the reason sir?" The guy added.

"After telling us that she's safe, she honestly told us the reason why she ran away. She told us to wait, and she will prove something to us, but it does not  mean that the wedding is cancelled. The wedding must happen whether she likes it or not!" Mr. Song said firmly making the room filled with gossips and whispers.

She trying to prove herself? What does she mean by that? I was really confused but it didn't matter. I am just here for my job.

3 hours later

Finally the meeting has been adjourned, there were a lot of suggestions which made the meeting so long. The CEO told his farewells and everybody as well. As for me i waited for Mark to finish arranging the seats. I don't even know why he's doing it, like his the secretary and doesn't need to do stuff like this. I guess his just very industrious and serious about his job.

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