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Chapter 34

Lisa's POV


My alarm woke me up today, I checked my phone and saw the date. It's Christmas day! I thought, but I was still too lazy to leave my bed.

I scrolled to my feed and updated myself, I kept on checking the news about Minnie, a journalist made an article about her and Yuqi. The article was about them and their private relationship, I couldn't help but to feel a bit annoyed. I know Minnie wouldn't do such a thing, so why would they make up stories like this.

I left the page and went back to my feed, Another article but it was about the amusement park and their promo. I was so happy as I read the english version.

I immediately jumped off my bed and went straight to Miyeon's room without fixing my hair and all.

When I reached her room, I stopped in front of the door and I noticed something sticking out from the bottom of the door. I picked it up and there was a note.

'Go to the lake at exactly 5:45 pm. You know where to find me.'

-Kim Minnie

My eyes suddenly went huge when I read what was on the note. Is this really from Minnie? How did she managed to deliver it here? I thought to myself.

Miyeon Unnie probably hasn't read the note since it was still on the floor, so I went barging in her room. I dropped the note inside her room near the door so she would notice it later. I'll just pretend that I didn't see it.

-after the movie-

It was already 5:15 pm and we already left the movie theater. I was observing Miyeon whether she have read the note or not. She should be in a hurry right now because look at the time.

After a few minutes, she told me that she was feeling sick and her stomach is aching real bad. She told me that it must have been the popcorn that we ate, but why is she the only one feeling sick when I also ate the popcorn that we bought?

Then I realized that this must have been her escape, because she also wanted to go home by herself. I kept on insisting that I should come but she would always refuse, so I just let her be.

I told her that I'll just drop by her room later and then I left. When I was a bit far, I took a quick glance and I saw her running away.

Without any hesitations, I quickly followed her. But I made sure that she wouldn't notice me. The note I saw earlier is very doubtful and hard to believe that Minnie would send such note. I know my sister, she would have made it more specific for Miyeon.

So I asked the driver to follow her but he wasn't paying attention, he mistook a turn and we got a bit lost. We also got stuck in traffic which annoyed me more. I looked at my phone and the time as well and it's already 5:45 pm.

It took another five minutes before we arrive, I asked him to drop me off at the end of the street. I don't want to be caught by Miyeon so that's why I let him drop me off a bit far.

From here I can see that there is an expensive car parked, and in front of it, there is a black van. After that there were men coming out of the van, they were all wearing some sort of robbers mask which made me nervous a bit.

I came closer, and my body froze when one of them pulled out a gun and fire it at a random angle. I quickly hid behind the bush and there I waited for them.

I can hear loud shouting from here, there weren't many people here cause this is not an ideal place to celebrate Christmas.
After a few minutes, I couldn't believe my eyes.

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