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Chapter 36

January 6, 2021

Miyeon's POV

"Kim Minnie Hurry up!!! We are going to miss our flight!" I yelled at Minnie who was still looking at herself in the mirror. She's been conscious about her looks lately because she changed her hair color.

This thai girl's scalp is very strong, she already changed her hair countless times in a span of 1 year.

"Jeeeezzz Miyeon our flight is still an hour away! And the airport is just near." Minnie said loudly as she walks towards me, I was already inside the car. And guess what? I'm driving her car today, I got my license because she forced me to.

Minnie sat beside me and suddenly looked at the side mirror, I don't know why but she actually looks great with straight black hair, she even kept her bangs which is cute.

I didn't start the car yet which made Minnie look at me. I stared at her and she stared at me as well, we were looking at each other sharply.

"Are you challenging me at a staring contest Cho Miyeon? Why are you not driving yet? I thought you were in a hurry?" Minnie asked.

"I just want to tell you that you look beautiful, so stop worrying about your face!" I said then she immediately hid her face. She is definitely blushing from what I said.

"Whatever Miyeon, you are only saying that because you're my girlfriend hun." Minnie said then crossed her arms. Are we going to argue about this right now?

"I am telling the truth Minnie." I simply said then stole a quick kiss on her lips, there was a smile that formed after I kissed her.

"That's why I love you so much Miyeon" Minnie said as I started the car. We will definitely miss our flight if we keep flirting like this.

Today is Shuhua's Birthday and we are flying to Taiwan to surprise her. Her sister Tzuyu, was the one who contacted us since it's a surprise.

We already arrived at the airport and Our flight is already thirty minutes away. We would be spending a week in Taiwan, but we'll just book a hotel since we can't stay at Shuhua's house at the moment.

It's been a year since our last plane ride, and it was a very traumatizing year for us especially for Minnie.

I glanced to my side to where Minnie is seated and she was trying to calm herself. I almost forgot that she is frightened when she rides an airplane.

"Kim Minnie, do you need an inhaler?" I asked her then she turned to look at me.

"No, I don't need an inhaler. I can definitely handle this" She said then I intertwined my hand onto hers.

She was nervous I can tell, her hands were getting a bit sweaty even though it's cold. Plus, she is still struggling when she breathes, her body hasn't fully recovered that's why I am careful whenever I talk to her. I don't allow Minnie to do certain activities like running or anything exhausting. She can do light exercises to strengthen her body but not in a long period of time.

"Your hand tells me that Kim Minnie is nervous." I said then she glared at me.

"I am not nervous about this flight, I have other things to worry about" she said then immediately looked away. What is she talking about? What other things?

"Eh? Thing to worry about? I can't recall any clients that contacted you. So what are you so nervous about??" I curiously asked, then she turned her gaze on me.

"Uhm.. you know stuff.. I mean like... Shushu's present! I haven't bought her anything yet. So we need to go to the mall before we go to shuhua's place hehe." Minnie said then awkwardly smiled at me.

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